
Most of the EU novels sucked; hackwork for hire by MOSTLY novelists that wouldn’t have been worth your time if that Star Wars logo wasn’t on the cover*, with increasingly ridiculous central planning driving, as I said in another thread, increasingly bloated and silly developments in the story.

The plotting itself in Act 2 was pointless. What Rian Johnson was trying to do (I’m not sure I totally agree with his decisions) was take the usual harebrained Star Wars convoluted Hail Mary hero plan and make it fail. And fail spectacularly.

The issue with Suros is why there are static roles in D2. In my opinion it’s not that Bungie isn’t listening, it’s that the players all wantsomething different. Literallyall the changes from D1 to D2 were direct responses to complaints about D1. It’s too grindy? No more grind. Takes to long to get matched in crucible?

Remember pre-internet days when companies didn’t have to put out mission statements for their game like its a white house press release?