Makes me wonder why Sega abandoned Power Drift.
Makes me wonder why Sega abandoned Power Drift.
Also a redditor. It’s not all a cesspool, but there are definitely dark corners that are easily accidentally accessed.
One important player? Seriously? My apologies that the United States didn’t have a fucking infrastructure for soccer for the last 80 years. You’re right that the US hasn’t developed a Pirlo, Pele, or Messi, or anyone that’s ever played serious football in Europe, but, as they say in the business world, past…
Mass Effect had this covered:
Man, he’s gonna be pissed when someone reads this article to him.
Gave this trailer the severely needed Daytona treatment.
I was in the navy for twelve years and actually served on three different submarines. The debate on women serving on subs has been going on for some time now. Other countries like Australia do have mixed crews on subs but the one I took a tour of had 6 women. Don't know the total crew number so I don't have the info…
Reminds me of a Simpsons joke where Homer right before he goes into space gets a call from President Clinton and asks him if he knows where he can get some 'tang. This was before Lewinsky.
To me, it's frustrating that the grays aren't simply used to filter out nasty violent content, but also to discipline and punish. That's not very nice.
Right now, Japanese people are having sex. Not all the Japanese people at once, mind you. But it's going on as you…