Retron 3 has a crappy sound chip, bad controllers, and won't play a lot of the famicom library.
Retron 3 has a crappy sound chip, bad controllers, and won't play a lot of the famicom library.
If you check out the Yahoo! page, there's a great guide to Japanese pager slang, like how to use the numbers to send ad-hoc messages! Not to mention the tamagotchis and ice-blue baby G's. So totally 1998 Shibuya-Kei.
Very remeniscent of the rahmens "shazai" video from a while back.
If you want to take Nozomi trains, you can't smoke. Some Kodama/Hikari trains still allow smoking.. but it seems like accident, rather than design.
FDS was great and a little ahead of it's time - one of the problems is almost no disks had mechanical shutters to keep dust out and the reader could be pretty finicky. Loading times were generally pretty great though, especially for the 1980s! It's one of the reasons I stick to carts in my twin Famicom :
Not Gohan is also a pun. Gohan = Dinner in Japanese.
My friend Kat from SCAD works for you guys :)
He's just following her to Yodobashi Akiba around the corner.
Because nuanced, balanced coverage of a game and it's place within the gaming ecosystem is "hipster." OK.
Someone asked me about this at work today. I told them that I know plenty of japanese people having sex, just getting married later .. kind of like the rest of the world! Japan has a fairly commodified sex industry but so do most asian countries...
Dasaitama has a Shimamura. Typical.