
I still have my jogcon from ridge racer 4 Import and it was (is) amazing. Considering the year it came out in, the force feedback was amazing. You could feel when your wheels where slipping along with rim impacts and drift lines. Sooooooooo worth it. Sadly the tshirt that came with it was labeled a large size. Large

Gervais just ended the show by saying ’From me and Mel Gibson ‘Shalom!’

Wait...what? Gervais a) isn’t racist b) has a VERY dry sense of humour c) almost certainly thinks Mel’s a racist arsehole.

It only takes two things to set off a jez writer: white and male

Yeah, they didn’t “yuck it up like a couple of old racists”, he pretended to do that so that he could deliver the line. The entire point of that bit was that he wasn’t sorry at all and he actually doubled down on the idea that Gibson is a piece of shit. There’s a lot to hate Gervais for, but this is isn’t it. As you

Not really getting where the hate for Gervais is coming from. To me he remains a great example of the comedian who always punches up and never punches down.

Would like to take this time for a shout out to the best of game manuals. You dunked the letter in water to get the code. :)

I follow him on Tumblr and I love his posts. He writes well and eloquently, in my opinion. I don’t have cable so I don’t know what his new show is like, but he has said it’s more true to what he wanted No Reservations to be like. Maybe the Tokyo one was just a bad episode?

His CNN show has had some really good episodes though. I think, in general, he is older, more world weary. Agreed he is not as funny anymore, but I think his travel show has become more self-aware and he is more conscious of his own privilege. Plus there is a certain amount of self-loathing in his commentary that I

Most certainly did not happen. This no talent self famed rapper completely fabricated that. I was sitting right across from them and watched it go down. The crew was awesome, I would have punched her in the face.

Kehlani is not telling the truth. I was on that flight sitting right behind the girls. I heard every word. Ther flight attendant was respectful and there was absolutely no use of the N word. The only lack of respect was from these girls who refused to put something in the overhead bin that did not fit under the seat.

This cracks me up how much this website hates Reddit, considering that it gets about 50% of its stories from Reddit about 8 hours after Reddit posts them. Are there horrible subreddits there? Yes. It is easy to stay away from them. You have to actively seek them out. It’s not like upskirt photos make it to the front

There is no “they”. Reddit users are not a monolith. r/twoxchromosomes has 3+ million subscribers. I’m not going to go through and list all the other dozens of women/feminist focused enormous subreddits. The entire point of reddit is that whatever you are into is available there. If you are a feminist, it’s available.

Comments like this irritate me. Reddit’s has 3.3 million commenters and has feminist/social justice subreddits which shit on this comment section. It has awful racist, fascist subreddits and it has amazing ones.

Yes, the poor sexist manbabies who have taken up days of protest over the unfair firing of a woman by a woman who falsely claimed gender discrimination and made a mockery of such a claim thereby setting back the ability of all women who actually suffer such discrimination to make such claims without seeming like

I signed the petition as I think Ellen Pao is not a good CEO and should be ousted, which is what the petition is about. You are entitled to your opinion, but please don’t call those who signed it “racist/misogynists.”

Urgh, i hate the petition and those signing it as they are racist/misogynists but it is increasingly looking like she is a fucking terrible CEO. Her firing of the women who runs AMA’s in such a disgraceful way is so inept. If i was VC firms who have $ in reddit I would be sharpening my knives.

Now playing

Makes me wonder why Sega abandoned Power Drift.

Also a redditor. It’s not all a cesspool, but there are definitely dark corners that are easily accidentally accessed.