
As a huge fan of the series, that has now completely lost interest after playing a number of hours in Rogue, hoping it would redeem the series from Unity, here is my issue with the fetching side of things: They point you straight to it, no need to look around corners, wonder if maybe there is something on that ledge

I ran into all this triple buffering stuff when I looked into this myself a while back. D3DOverrider seems to have stopped development a while back from what I remember. You can still get it, but I ended up trying a program called Radeon Pro. The name has you thinking it’s only for AMD graphics card, but I have a GTX

Thanks for the info Billy!

Just for future reference, how do you UN-hide a game (or show all hidden games)?

Awesome! Thanks for letting us know! I was actually very happy to see that Assassin's Creed Unity also automatically switches to PS button prompts if it detects a DS4 connected to your PC. Though the game leaves plenty else to be desired.

It's pretty tempting, though being in Canada, I don't expect many great deals any time soon :/

Yea, teasing a revolutionary new TV and then announcing an Android TV console - no matter how interesting - is definitely circle jerky ;)

This shit is wildly cool, but Valve VR on its own will not make an experience great. That'll take some damn talented creators with an eye for the system's weaknesses as well as its strengths. I'm looking forward to seeing what they come up with, even if we get a flood of duds on top of the good stuff.

In a tiny black room, all alone, save for a neon-glowing flower directly in front of me. I looked at my "hands." This time, one was a virtual painter's palette, and the other was essentially a brush. I could select colors and patterns and—here's the wild part—paint the air around me. I guided rainbows into being with

Lol, yes I agree that there is a circle jerk going on here xD I am absolutely not saying this is PS1 and PS2 and PS3... But the author is losing his sh** about the naming scheme, which is what I am responding to. Like you say, this is a family of products, so why can they not share a brand name such as Playstation? My

Wow that's awesome, that makes the Shield Portable even more versatile. Amazing that it really allows you to use ALL the buttons and even the touch screen... That's better than the Vita lol. If my Vita had 4 shoulder buttons and click in thumbsticks, I'd likely still be using it for remote play, rather than having

I'll just repost my comment from the last thread, since it might help some save a few bucks while getting the same quality product:

I'll just repost my comment from the last thread, since it might help some save a few bucks while getting the same

Either this is the slowest redefinition ever, or Nvidia has to learn how to set expectations a little lower.

It runs special native versions of Borderlands and Crysis 3, which is great, even if they aren't looking as good as the console or PC versions. It also streams PC games from your home computer. Games like Borderlands and Crysis 3. Several Borderlands games are already available on the Nvidia Grid streaming service.

There have been Android TV consoles before, haven't there? How can Nvidia call this the first?

Pick a fucking product and stick with it already. It does nothing for consumer confidence to watch this brand shift each year into something new, and it annoys the shit out of me.

Wait what? How? Is this a hack of the Playstation App's remote play feature or something along those lines?

Agreed, a thumbstick is so necessary for me. I transitioned to PC gaming this gen and though I like using something more precise for moving the camera (like a mouse), nothing feels quite as efficient/enjoyable as a thumbstick for movement. Clearly I'm in love with this controller design then :P

I am so eager and excited to custom map the **** out of my controls for games lol.
