
The parents of trans girls don’t want their daughters to use the bathroom with young men who are going through their natural hormonal changes, either, especially since that poses far more of a risk to them than to a cis girl sharing a bathroom with a trans girl.

Trans girls aren't young men. And, if they're going through any hormonal changes, it's probably the same ones your daughter would be going through, because we have modern medicine now that does such things. So, how about you either take a chill pill, or have the decency to own your transphobia. Don't hide behind your

Trans women aren’t men, so shouldn’t be a problem for your hypothetical teenage daughter.

Actually most illegal workers do contribute in taxes, and they claim very little benefits. And yes there should be a easy way to naturalize, but on average and without a big company sponsor or marriage it can take a hundreds of thousands of dollars and 10 yeas for a person to move to US legally.

You know what? How dare you. This is not a meme. It’s a quote by goddamn Margaret Atwood, an amazingly talented novelist, poet, and critic. It is NOT clumsy, it is concise and poignant, and just because you are too thick-skulled to understand it (you even quoted it wrong in a previous comment!) doesn’t mean it fails

i really dont think many men realize that women feel this way.

It says something about you that you’re more concerned with hurting other men’s feelings than with the enormity of the actual trend of men killing women for rejecting them.

If you think that the biggest issue around these topics is you having your tender little man fee-fee’s hurt and men being “profiled” then you are 100% part of the problem. Can’t men like you just be thankful that you don’t have to worry about your safety every time you’re walking alone at night, make a complaint at

it’s not a meme. it’s a quote, from the nobel prize winning author margaret atwood. don’t insult her like that, she’s not grumpy cat.

Thanks for rethinking your position and asking questions. I thought your original comment was incredibly dim and deliberately obtuse, but you ask what you can do, so:

listen, we don’t owe you an education. google exists, use it. women were not put on earth to explain shit to you.

... what the fuck is this shit?! Because men can’t get sex with the supermodels that they crave, they get to kill us, and it’s our fault, somehow? Fuck you, dude.

Or you could, you know, focus a little less on being a sad clown and a little more on being a person that other people want to be around. We can smell creepy desperation. You are alone because of one or more of these issues.

If a man can’t get a date it’s because women feel there’s something off or creepy about him. Fat guys, short guys, bald guys, old guys, etc. still manage to find women. After all, most women don’t look like supermodels. They can’t get tall, handsome guys because for many women good looking guys are out of their

Fact of the matter is, men don’t treat women as equals. They still treat women as play things and someone to take care of all the shitty chores. Women are slowly moving away from a life where they have to be shackled to some dude and baby, work for eight hours, take care of dude/baby, and always put everyone else

Socio-economic status has nothing to do with it. He felt he was owed something and blamed his behavior on her.

She didn’t let him abuse her. She reported his misconduct and got him fired. Although I am impressed with the way you dealt with your stalker, those tactics do not work in every case. Some jerks just escalate right back. Some (like the guy in the article) become murderers. There’s no one absolutely effective way to

Are you seriously saying she caused this by not shutting him down in the “right” way? If you’re saying that, that is really fucked up. Because she did everything right and it still wasn’t enough.

“She had ruined my life.”