
I just want to hear Bruce Jenner say that he’s happy. As a kid who built a decathlon in our backyard and competed with my siblings to be Bruce Jenner, I hope he gets to be what makes him happy. He was amazing and defined athleticism and masculinity, so let him define what makes him completely whole.

You know the difference when the plumbing has a catastrophic failure because they skimped on all the important stuff under the no doubt expensive counters and wallpaper.

Only hope the best for him. Living life after decades of being soul sucked by Kris.

Well, the million decibels of snark was not entirely necessary. I was also not suggesting fitting a full nutritional seminar on a kind bar package. But if we are asking Kind bars to remove the “Healthy” label because they surpass some arbitrarily determined fat level of X then let's also take it off the Dannon Low fat

OK, if I have $3MM to spend on a house, I’m suresthefuck not gonna buy one in New Motherfucking Jersey...

I don’t think Kind bars are junk food, necessarily, but no food should come with health claims. Period. Pomegranates don’t prevent cancer any more than an all salmon diet prevents heart disease. We focus too much on “miracles” and there just aren’t any. Eat fewer calories than you burn. Balance fat, carbs and protein.

Tangent: Someone told me once that they could easily go gluten-free because they don’t even LIKE wheat bread. They only eat white bread.

Towaco Lake and only 6 bedrooms? Eww.

Because the 90s Fat Free myth really got us into the great place we are, today.


I was eating the coconut almond one and a woman across from me (eating a package of Oreos) told me she doesn’t eat nuts because they have too many calories to be considered healthy. As a vegetarian, nuts are a good source of protein, occasionally. I don’t need to hear it from Oreo breath.


But anybody can do a fast food job! They don't deserve $15/hour. They should get their GED (because you know they didn't graduate high school), stop pumping out babies from multiple men, go to college (that they can't afford), and get a real job like I did! /s

This drives me insane. It isn't just teenagers working these jobs, it's people with families who are trying to support themselves and others. Wages for lower and middle class jobs have actually FALLEN if you compare them to the 70s. I don't understand how we can allow this.

it’ll be tough to squeeze in between Bible 101 and Revisionist History: Jesus Walked With Dinosaurs

This is a very personal issue for me and for my family. What people can’t seem to wrap their stupid little heads around is that many of these procedures aren’t “abortions.” They occur as a result of something going horribly wrong during a pregnancy, even WANTED ones. I know! Crazy, right? This is so dangerous and

As somebody who, along with an ex-fiancee, had to make the difficult decision to end a pregnancy in the second trimester due to the fetal abnormalities that meant it wouldn’t survive until term: FUCK YOU, OKLAHOMA.

This just makes me so sad and afraid for all of the women who are going to have to suffer because these assholes want to be re-elected by the idiots who put them in office in the first place. This is not going to help anyone. Second trimester abortions are more likely for non-viable fetuses and health concerns. Not to

WHY ARE PSYCHOLOGICAL AND EMOTIONAL CONDITIONS NOT IMPORTANT!?!?!??! Every thing about this makes me want to punch everyone and vomit, but that particular wording makes me sooooo angry. It is just such a nasty insult. Like, alright, we will grant you an abortion if you are in physical danger because we wouldn’t want