
The only shock is that you vividly remember being perfectly behaved and understanding boundaries at 2 years of age. I’m calling total bullshit on that one. I remember being a very well-behaved four-year-old, but I have been told that it took effort to get me there. That’s the case with all children. Your claim is as

It’s sad that one monster ruined the Cosby Show. He ruined it for all of us who grew up with it, and he ruined it for everyone that was a part of it. None of his co-stars deserve the show to be destroyed because of him, because what the show did was great. But that’s definitely not the saddest part. The saddest thing

I read a meme on Facebook. Not sure if it’s true, but I’m sure it’s close to being true... “In 30 years, no mass shooting has been stopped by a good guy with a gun.”

I live in SE Asia and live around many wealthy people, so I know all about nannies...

I love having friends who have kids the same age as my kids, because they get it, but if someone introduces themselves as “Special Snowflake’s Mommy”, I run. You are a person and you have a name!!!

I think you just need to find mom groups with women who have common interests. There are always going to be bitches out there who never left junior high, but not all moms are the judgemental bitches on the mommy blogs and mommy online groups who get mad at you for not doing things the way they do it. Sometimes we do

Fort Collins? We’ll be neighbours soon :)

Yes, that’s me.

The latest edition of bullshit my piece of shit soon-to-be-ex-husband is putting me through...

Thank you!

Thank you! That means a lot.

In the UAE, she had freedom of movement. Women can drive, leave the house, drink alcohol... They may have many issues (rape could be considered adultery), but otherwise, it’s very Westerner-friendly. In Saudi, foreign expats are pretty much confined to their compounds with other Westerners. We’re also oil expats and

It’s common practice here (SE Asia) to hold onto the passport of foreign live-in maids, whose visas the employer has paid for, to prevent them from running away. The agencies actually tell them to do this. I’m sure it’s the same in the UAE. I find it appalling that they’d be held hostage in such a way.

Not to say fuck everyone from that part of the world, because I know some lovely people from the Middle East (who actually agree with me on this), but this is very much engrained in their culture. I live in SE Asia and there are expats from every corner of the world living here. My helper (cleaner/babysitter/cook) has

This guy left his wife and children in LA while he moved to NYC for work and shacked up with his mistress, and when his wife went to NYC for a visit, the door man told her she wasn’t Mrs. Grammer, because he sees Mrs. Grammer every day... yet, now he’s telling others what is morally right? Fuck him.

I’m an expat in SE Asia, so I totally get the homesickness food thing. When I went to Thailand, I was really excited to find out that I could get a Blizzard since they have Dairy Queen there. My husband thought it was insane that we were taking a 20-minute taxi journey to go to DQ, but I had to get my fix.

Lived in London for a while, so not an issue :)

I did a school group tour of Europe when I was 16 and they would have meals set up for us most of the time. When we were in London, we went to Planet Fucking Hollywood. Why the hell would a bunch of Americans want to eat at PH in London? I don’t know... In Rome, I had an identical experience to you. We were set free

Exactly! I just read an article about breastfeeding being hard. Someone commented that telling women how hard and painful it is will make them not want to do it, which is total bullshit. Women need to know how hard it is and how painful it can be, because if they don’t, they won’t think that the pain is totally normal

By about week 38, you’ll be BEGGING your body to just go into labour in order to end your misery (and meet your baby, of course). I think that’s pretty telling of how shitty being pregnant is - you WANT to feel the worst pain of your life! Babies are totally worth it, though. Good luck :)