I think c-section scars count. But if you had a surrogate or adopted, then you definitely can’t be on the same level as someone who carried a baby and gave birth. #sanctimommylogic
I think c-section scars count. But if you had a surrogate or adopted, then you definitely can’t be on the same level as someone who carried a baby and gave birth. #sanctimommylogic
Fart jokes contain more substance than anything to have ever exited Trump’s mouth.
He deserves so much respect for not using a teleprompter, like that socialist dictator, Obummer. eyeroll.
The bitch in front of us (she was glaring before we even got in our seats)
Yes, but she’s called herself a PARENT and she clearly didn’t push a child out of her vagina. Sanctimommies rage over this sort of thing.
Good for him. What can he really do, anyway? He has solid advice to those who will still be in power and can still do something about the GOP’s plan to destroy America - watch them to figure out their plan so you can fight them.
I’d rather watch paint dry while gouging out my own eyeballs, to be honest. The post-debate coverage from Jon Stewart is all I need, but now that he’s gone, I give up. I wouldn’t vote for any of them, any way. Watching would invoke too much anger. I think a higher level of maturity and carefully thought-out ideas for…
I’m going to guess that they’re all complete crap, but if I was making money off of it, I’d sure as hell have a crappy app in the iStore bearing my name.
I love, love, love that hinged ring. That direction is the way to go with that dress. Simple hair, simple makeup, minimal, modern accessories.
Every time I hear about someone acting up and forcing a plane to land, I think about Conrad Hilton. He was way worse than any of these people and they didn’t land, even when he was threatening people, throwing punches and smoking pot in the lavatory. Rich white boy privilege.
I feel bad for people who have to travel within the US, because your options SUCK. Customer service is bad, the planes are bad, the amenities are bad... it’s all bad. My parents were just on United for a 15-hour flight to Asia and the fucking plane didn’t even have personal TV’s. They had the overheard screens that…
I was once on a long-haul flight and the woman in front of me had permanent bitch face. It wasn’t just a face, though. She really was a bitch. I wanted to slap her.
We’re not in the military, but thanks.
Thanks for that reply. You’re right - I’m not ready yet. I’m ready to do what I have to do to make it work, and if it doesn’t or he’s not willing, then I’ll leave. I think many people just don’t understand that it’s not simply packing up bags and walking out (no marriage is, but mine is especially complicated - it’s a…
I’m not defending his actions, which I find reprehensible. I have two young children who love their father, who is a good person currently doing shitty things. If he was willing to change behaviours and get help, we’d have a wonderful marriage. It’s not as if I’m married to someone who beats me. It seems like you’re…
After I wrote that, I thought that’s probably what you meant. I’m sad for knowing these things!
What?!?!? No way! $300 for 8 grams of cocaine?!?!
Raise your hand if remembering that commercial makes you feel old...
And really, you don’t want your little boy to learn this way of treating his partner!
That’s a great idea. Thank you! I’ll try that.