
I’m totally off sex and find the thought repulsive right now (baby due any second), but I still think that in many cases, I’d probably be much more down for some ice cream sandwiches and beer in bed than sex. Bring in Idris Elba or some other beautiful man, and I may change my mind, but yeah... I’m going with ice

Not to say that this is correct and that gay men and women are peeking in on people in the bathroom, because I find this absolutely ridiculous... but, maybe America should just catch up with the rest of the world and make bathroom stalls that you can’t see through! There are like 1-inch gaps in those stall doors and

I’d say some can be really immature middle schoolers, based on some of the bitchy things I’ve heard happening in old folks homes.

How is what I said at all bitchy?

I think it would end up being bad, and I hate to say that, because I think everyone trying to get into the US is only doing it for a better life and they definitely deserve that better life. The UK is in a terrible state right now, due to poor countries in Eastern Europe becoming EU members and immigrants flooding the

I’ve totally thought that if I were to get into a dangerous situation and was wearing heels, I’d definitely use them as a weapon. I’ve seen it in films and surely it would work!

I live in my Birkenstocks, so I understand. If I lived somewhere that it ever got cold, I’d be screwed and may end up doing the same :)

You couldn’t dare criticise Bush when he was in office, because disagreeing with the POTUS was un-American. Now that Obama is in office, if you agree with him, you’re un-American, because he’s a liberal. Patriotism changes depending on who’s in office. Hypocrisy at its finest!

I didn’t think it was legal, either.

Wow... what a stretch...

Yes, but fortunately, with my parents, the fucks to give flying out the window hasn’t caused them to become geriatric bullies. They just wear socks with sandals now.

don’t act like women don’t feel ashamed when sexually assaulted as well.

I wish my husband could have taken parental leave when we had our first baby in Canada. I gave birth on a Wednesday evening and he had to be in the office again on Monday - while stopping in the office occasionally during those five days to take care of emails, at the demand of his boss. His boss was a total dickhead

Sure you do... But you have to complete that hour at your desk as you labour, waiting for your water to break or your contractions to get close enough to head to the hospital. They let you stop doing heavy lifting at that point, though.

I’m American, my husband is British and we’re expats in Asia due to his job. He doesn’t understand how horrible the US is for many things, so he’s determined to get an assignment there - in TEXAS, of all places. I’m thinking, why the hell would we trade a cushy expat lifestyle to move to the US and be shat on? Why

Yep, it’s nearly impossible to just pack up and leave. In the vast majority of countries, you either need to marry a foreigner or be offered a transfer by your current employer to a foreign office - and even then, they usually must prove that you’re vital and no citizen of that country can perform that job. It’s an

I hope that’s a bad attempt at sarcasm. In the case it’s not...

The same reasoning can be used for healthcare. I’m healthy, I exercise, I eat a balanced diet, I don’t smoke, I don’t sit in the sun - why should I pay for others’ treatments for conditions like lung cancer, skin cancer, and obesity-related problems?

Considering I could easily break my stone souvenir and create a shard that’s sharp and could be used as a weapon, they really shouldn’t allow us anything on planes. It should be a prison suicide-watch type of environment with nothing allowed that could inflict any sort of bodily harm.

100 = gross exaggeration