
Some sort of private, drive-in entrance for patients, so they’re not shouted at on their way in. Fucking anti-choice douchebags... I’ve read about women who have non-viable pregnancies after their 20-week scan, who are absolutely devastated to have to terminate the pregnancy, being shouted obscenities at while walking

Best. Idea. Ever.

She’s trying to tell parents how to raise their children, while she eats junk constantly, making her a total hypocrite, though. Isn’t that their logic? She’s “fat” and her name is Moochelle? That gorgeous, thin woman who just wants kids to eat healthy, rather than end up dying from obesity-related issues?

While I don’t disagree with you, often, they’re not put in a safer home, and being separated from their parent isn’t always the best solution. A child certainly shouldn’t be raised by an addict, especially a violent or abusive addict, but it’s not always the best thing for them to be away from their parents and in the

It’s their choice to be a drug addict and it’s really easy to just stop doing drugs, you know. Those people don’t deserve food. If they get caught, send them to prison, where they’ll continue using and become an even heavier drug user upon their release. Don’t offer them treatment for their disease! Oh, heavens no!

Obviously, they should just get a job and work hard, because a job is the cure for poverty. No full-time worker struggles to put food on the table! And if they do, they need a better job. Minimum wage is for high school students, so why is a 30-year-old working at McDonald’s? (GOP logic)

It’s a generalisation and certainly isn’t true of ALL non-white people, of course, but I’m shocked at how obsessed the general population here is with being fair-skinned. Meanwhile, the Australians and Brits are laying out in the sun getting as tan as they can, while the locals hide in the shade.

Thank you for reassuring me that being freaked out the dirtiness of that floor this is normal and not just my fear of germs. All I can think about on planes is how filthy the floors are. You go in the lavatory, where people can’t aim, getting god knows what on your shoes, then god knows what is now all over the

If you don’t take your child on a plane, they’ll never be a good traveller and you’ll be dealing with a child freaking out, when they’re old enough to know better. Just take her. We’ve been flying internationally since 10 weeks and our now 20-month-old knows what a plane is and that she’s confined for a certain amount

Definitely my pick, too. As long as I’m super, super rich and could easily afford it.

I always laughed at the orange gaggles of girls, who would be lighting up the streets at night with their glowing skin :) Oh, and in the middle of winter, no coats, wearing vests, mini skirts and 6” heels on the cobblestone... British girls take going out to completely insane levels and it’s like nothing I’d ever seen

I do, too. A woman who doesn’t have to wear a bra?!? So jealous.

I think this look could be her best yet. It definitely rivals the red Calvin Klein with the cape she wore at last year’s Golden Globes (am I remembering that correctly?). That was perfection, but so is this. That colour on her... holy crap... She can do no wrong! But, when you’re that gorgeous, it’s hard to make

True. I struggle to find non-skin lightening moisturizer living in Asia. Everything I pick up seems to lighten the skin. I’m pale, I don’t need to be any paler. I’m very anti-tanning, though. It’s not healthy, obviously! Most women here will carry an umbrella for both the rain and the sun. Then, all the crazy white

I’m married to a Scot and he will turn red after a few minutes in the sun. There’s a reason the sun in Scotland is rare (although I always loved the summers in Edinburgh and didn’t find them lacking sun). I can tan, as my ancestry is Mediterranean, although I like to hide from the sun.

Exactly! The people I know who tanned look fucking old in their early 30’s. I have a friend with MASSIVE crows feet, because he’s been a tan-a-holic since high school. Even with my SPF 50 and staying in the shade, I have a few lines. White cracks and it cracks bad.

Once on “I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant”, from what I remember, even the hospital test came back negative. That’s terrifying!

A friend of mine was shocked to learn she was about six months pregnant with her second child after her doctor’s office did a routine pregnancy test to clear her to take a medication.

Yet, the last time there was an article here that discussed an instance of “I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant”, a lot of women commented about how they were carrying in a way that they didn’t show and didn’t feel any kicking. It happens. Based on personal experience, I don’t know how it happens, but I believe these women.

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