Pat Mcafee was the punter for that Colts play. His explanation is pretty satisfying
Pat Mcafee was the punter for that Colts play. His explanation is pretty satisfying
So...this is a garbage take, only possible because think that poor white ppl are a powerful voting bloc. They’re not! Super far from it, in fact. Go to your local golf club, though, and ask how many of them voted for Trump. There’s where you should direct your anger. It’s the rich. Fuck the rich
Don’t miss the 1:00 mark when he accidentally backs into an argument for players to protest whatever they want
Meet my good friend, a non garbage player
Came here for this. Just, fuck this country
For the life of me I can’t find a clip of it, but in season 2 if No Reservations he went to Mexican border and had some descendent of the guy who “invented” nachos make him an authentic plate. Guy opens a bag of chips, sprinkles some bagged shredded cheese, and microwaves the thing. It got so bad that some member of…
The more I watch that swing, the more it looks likes a very powerful, hydraulic, baseball hitting robot
Who are the best writers on staff?
This is a really, really, very serious problem, and I think people are talking about it more and more
Anyone else like PFT but hate Dan Katz? Katz just seems like an extension of the barstool brand, but with fewer rape jokes and all the unfunny. Remember when PFT did those few solo podcasts on the Opie and Anthony feed? Hilarious
“I, white person, am here to tell you that you are protesting oppression wrong” is the most revealing, racist bullshit imaginable
I used to think this was a clever meme, but then I realized there’s no actual contradiction at all. The Right just wants black ppl to shut the fuck up and take their oppression.
About once a year I YouTube Wily Mo Pena home run highlights. Im not even a Cincinnati fan
Saw this opening night. In chronological order I was certain it was about
Best way to chop an onion...tiny cubes or half circles?