Kansas Shitty

kind of a shitty logical fallacy you’re making. life is dangerous. i can make a logical fallacy too!!! farmers need to stop farming because of how dangerous their job is. nothing is worth the life of a person. NOTHING!!

Upper West Side.

No fucking shit, genius.


East Coaster here. I’m as confused as you are.

Left coast person here. Who is this guy and why does he continue to be reported on? Seems like a moron from that clip.

Actually no, fuck you.

Jerry Jones has now entered trade talks with the Reds.

Apparently the two other “K’s” are silent.

Oh, Buffalo Chess! Sure, sure.

S: This column wasn’t half-bad.
W: You’re right. It was all bad! OH HO HO HO

I love this. The Lakers suck. Their coach sucks. One half of their owners suck. All their fans are like Danny Devito in Twins: the leftover shit. Fuck them. I’m happy.

When in human history did people not get into physical altercations over what someone said? I want to know how rose colored your glasses are.

Lol, wishing your shit school was as good as Rutgers has made you mad online.

For a UGA alum, though, that’s pretty good.

At least it’s keeping you on here commenting and not out in society where you could do actual damage.

Badgering the witless.

Watch me whip, watch me meme

Still not as bad as embedding auto-play videos.