
This is as important a story as Deadspin has ever done. My contempt for Hardy, Jones and Goodell is matched only by my admiration for Diana’s epic reporting.

...Here let me show you Ph.D. I got from WebMD and internet forums.”

no. NO. because ERRYTHING can cause fetal abnormalities if you eat enough of it, or ear it wrong.

Seriously. if you can name a single, solitary thing that doesn’t carry risk, I’ll paypal you everything in my account (it’s like, 7 cents).

I’m a man but I can guarantee that Cap’n Crunch and Fruity Pebbles is one of the best things you can put in your body, ever.

Fair. I was in utero when my mom graduated from KState’s vet school. So I'm a wildcat by birth, and a Jayhawk by degree.

Red flag is him refusing joint custody and immediately going for sole custody. An excellent parent recognizes that the children need a relationship with both parents.

By the time this entire thing plays out legally, the kids will be 18 and can do whatever the hell they wish.

I am the liberal daughter of a liberal gun owner. My father kept his handguns in a locked briefcase in a safe in the attic of our home, with no bullets in the house. If he wanted to shoot, he bought bullets at the range and left them there. It is possible to own guns, to not demonize guns or gun owners, and still

Both, actually.

The toxic/cyclical misogyny makes guys easily manipulated. They can’t see that it’s stupid to feel “entitled” to women and simultaneously obligated to be judged by ones ability to attract women - when women are actually entitled to put their attentions on whomever they please. A guy gets mad that he

Guns are one facet of the problem, but they aren’t the entire problem. When this type of violence is committed almost exclusively by a relatively homogeneous group, there are obliviously social factors at play.

But these issues do not live in a vacuum; they interact, commingle and exaggerate one another. The United States has its own unique history and culture that interacts with the availability of weapons. We have to embody the situation here if we want meaningful change.

Overly simplistic. Guns obviously play a major role, especially in regards to how many people can be killed in a short time. But the idea that toxic masculinity, bullying, mental health, and misogyny do not play vital and critical roles in these tragic events exposes a bias and agenda that time and time again have

The NRA used to mostly be about gun safety. I know it’s unbelievable now, but I used to be a member of he NRA and their newsletters used to be about 70% safety, 20% gun rights, 10% info on events and such. Then it became 90% “THE GOVERNMENT WANTS TO TAKE YOUR GUNS!” and 10% other stuff. That’s when I stopped being a

Is there a point where it becomes statistically impossible for a group of people to be lying? (I think most of us needed far less in the way of proof. I’m just curious)

Actually, we need to separate “work-life balance” from parenthood, or motherhood, so that it applies to everyone. Nobody should be working 60 hours every week, regardless of parental status. We need to make it clear that parents aren’t asking for special treatment when they want to leave the office at 5. Everyone

“Whelp, it’s only misogyny.”—Society

There are times when I question my belief that the death penalty has no place in a modern, developed, progressive nation.

I’m pregnant, I drink with dinner, eat lunch meat, drink coffee and GASP! Don’t need anyone’s advice, because I have educated myself on the risks. Thank yoooou.

What the fuck is WRONG with people this week on the subject of 9/11?? Was it not bad enough to live through - whether in NYC or elsewhere - that you have to make shit up and/or throw yourself a 9/11 themed wedding to feel relevant? JESUS, PEOPLE.

I’m definitely a shit-stirrer. One of our favorite teachers and my daughter’s preschool unexpectedly ‘retired’ after being there for 10+ years. We reached out to her and found out she was actually fired after filing for disability. She didn’t know that was illegal to do and was too scared to pursue it legally. We let