
Some form of this needs to happen. I'm sorry about the chance for wrecking a guy's reputation, but there has to be a way to get this information out there. A lot of rapists are serial rapists.

Now playing

Because this post shouldn't run without this virtuoso bit from last night's LWT:

-_- Goddammit.

There is a gloriously cranky woman in Philadelphia who has a bra fitting place and it's the only place I buy bras now. I walked in for the first time and she took one look at my chest and shouted "NO! At least two sizes wrong! Get in the changing room right now!"

If I had to guess I'd say something from U2's new album...

Good question! As Callie shared...I still don't know. I feel like I *deserve* a degree from Tufts. BUT...I am not sure how comfortable I would feel taking a degree from a place that literally did not care whether I was raped or not.

I wonder if it would feel different since the idea originated with students who wanted to acknowledge her rather than the administration trying to erase their wrongs?

She actually talks about that in the Tufts Daily piece:

Ha! Apparently her defense exhibits in this case were over 100 pages long. Musta been some touch ups in there somewheres...

While I am no big fan of cats, I am fascinated by the fact that, of all the domesticates, the cat is the only one humans haven't managed to change at all over millennia. Sure, you get different colors and different hair quality, werewolf cats and those poor things that look like Gollum, but basically a cat's a cat.