
He hardly got a pass, and Republicans' attempt to impeach him for it was hypocrisy and overreach par excellence. However, liberals' eagerness to support the horrible smear campaign against Lewinsky was a very dark chapter in America's feminist coming-of-age. Which is partially why Trump was able to capitalize on it

The funny thing is, Kang finds Holbrook to be much better in every non-Narcos role he's been in. The character as written just didn't have much meat to him. Part of the reason the 2nd season was so much better than the first is that it took a wide-angle lens to the entire cartel history, instead of confining it so

Agree that Kidman's performance deserves it most, but any of the actresses from Feud or BLL could win it and it wouldn't be a travesty.

Doctor Strange was fine (especially appreciated the blacklight poster-palette of the Dark Dimension) but it still could have stood to be more colorful. The most fun translation of classic Marvel comic aesthetics to screen thus far is the original 'Guardians of the Galaxy' if you ask Kang.

She IS awesome and probably the only reason Kang slogged through that whole season of nothingburger

If the emmys had a lines-to-laugh ratio statistic for judging comedy performance, Gary Cole would probably destroy all the other nominees.

Hot take: Westworld is terrible.

Oh yeah? Just wait until they combine reconstructive teleportation with time-travel:

One can agree that liberals have been too complacent during the Obama years (that includes me) and still find it laughable that anyone would argue that the harmful social and policy implications of Obama v. Trump are anything near equivalent.

Excuse Kang, but that statement is ridiculous. Obama oversaw a lot of deportations, but he also tried to push the DREAM act through and when that failed he issued DACA as an executive order, which is still tentatively protecting some very fine people I know personally. Trump, on the other hand, was very intent on

Kang regrets now even reading an AVClub comment on what goes on there. Commencing nuking you all from orbit. Blame yourselves!

One of Kirby's best villain designs for sure, and that's saying something. Who knows, maybe we'll get some kind of version of classic Klaw.

Really loving the color that Coogler's poppin' with in the designs. How is it that this movie looks like it has more far-out design than Doctor friggin' Strange?

Nuclear codes.

I hear that there's a 13-year old girl who wants to get it on with exceptionally dense AV Commenters. She'll be waiting behind the Denny's on Main and 4th. 8 pm. If you show up there with a dozen roses, I'm sure that's just coincidence

The email to junior explicitly states that the source of the damaging intel is the Russian government, and that they are actively attempting to swing the election in Trump's favor. Anyone who isn't a moron, or hopelessly corrupt, (or both!) reports that to the FBI. Junior's response clearly shows intent to commit a

If you arrive at a house expecting to be fellated by an underage girl, and it's just an investigative reporter who is totally the legal age of consent, you're still busted. You idiot.


'These fancy meats are designed to elude you unless you are one of the privileged, out of touch elite. Or you have the temerity to be italian.' — D. Brooks

Kang has been eating capicola his entire life and never heard it pronounced 'gabagool' until he watched The Sopranos.