
Kang thinks it's OK to admit when you don't fully understand/or are uncomfortable with certain things. As long as you approach those issues with humility and an open mind. Over the years I've made some trans friends and there are certain aspects of sexuality, gender, and queerness that as a straight male

The unspoken theme of the show—that underneath everything, the Good Guys and the Bad Guys are all actually on the same team— is pretty fucking radical and probably one of the main reasons that this little comedy manages to hit so hard.

Honestly, Kang wants more GLOW but this is a nearly perfect season of TV. Even the less-engaging aspects of the first 4 episodes are all just tee-ing up the ball for the spectacular back half. It works as a 4 1/2 hour movie. But anyway, seems solid it'll get renewed if the showrunners have more story to tell.

Spider-Man 2 is definitely NOT part of the MCU. It is also still the best super-hero movie ever made.

Bell's 2 Hearted is a fine beer, but can't see why everyone is calling it the best ever. Have none of these people had Ballast Point Sculpin? Also, it's not available very widely, but holy crap Maine Beer Company is THE best indie brewery. AVClub gotta track down some of that good stuff.

More Heady Topper for the rest of us, then!

Seriously though, there are certain buzzwords— 'agenda' and 'bias'— that are used so regularly and so wrongly by a certain specific breed of fuckwit that Kang is thinking of firing up the ol' time machine and removing them from the language entirely.

Yes. Mind you, the first 4 episodes—while they fly by—are simply light and entertaining but don't seem like anything that special. But it's all set up for the last six episodes, which really are some of the funniest, most awesomely rewarding, endearing TV to come along in a long time.

Yeah, Kang is about to eat lunch. He has a 'stop being hungry' agenda. Just saw a guy fill up his tank on the way here, apparently implementing stage 3 of his 'not being stuck on the side of the highway' agenda.

Need a lift?

This is one comedy that for sure deserves Emmy noms for acting. Brie and Gilpin are completely, utterly incredible in this— their love for the material shows through every frame and their acting rivals anything in more traditional dramas (and between 'Feud' and 'Big Little Lies', it's been a very strong year for

(Cups hand to ear) What's that, Princess?

Ruth was in on it. On re-watching, The show cuts cleverly away from their conversation at the car, and every time anyone alludes to Debbie's absence you can clearly see the guilt and ambivalence on Ruth's face after she sells the deception. Also Ruth doesn't mention any surprise when she talks to Debbie after the

Loved this show so much, and it's so briskly paced, already finished a second watch.

Cherry: 'why aren't YOU out washing cars?'
Keith: 'I don't look good in a bikini.
(Does a curl)

Betty Gilpin's comic timing and wonderful mixture of attitude and vulnerability stole this show for Kang.


Uh, Kang isn't sure he understands LaToya's interpretation of Birdie's actions in this episode. Birdie is absolutely a Reaganite nightmare, and the war on drugs is bullshit, but she is legitimately raising money from willing donors for a cause, and the GLOW people are taking money on essentially fraudulent grounds.

Brie headlining a show is everything Kang hoped it would be, but Gilpin is definitely the co-lead and she has quickly become my absolute favorite. Her comic ability and physical acting prowess are every bit a match for Brie, which is as it should be as the Heel and Face of the show.

Done. Kang may be a time-traveling warlord from the future, but for a show this delightful, he shall respect the spoilers.