
Hey. It's awful. But if there was ever a depression-trigger that you could feel confident you are not alone in feeling, it's THIS ONE. Kang recommends joining a group. A local political group, an indivisible cell, whatever. I'm down in TEXAS, the heart of the beast, and we formed our own. Just find a place to

Kang loves Perlman and the tree-creature attack in Hellboy 2 is still the greatest Kirby-to-live-action moment on film— but this news is awesome. Harbour is s great actor and Marshall may have better storytelling chops than GDT (although I wish Del Toro was still in charge of creature effects)

Honestly just here to say that Kang is fucking not clicking on anything related to Milo Yiannopoulos or Steve Bannon. Doing it here because fuck giving these people any more clicks.

Gary groaning while Andrew, oily as ever, justifies his fee for 'finding the most beautiful woman in the world' was my biggest laugh

Enjoyable! Charming! Kang's only real complaint— but it is significant— is that there really is no replacement for Kevin Murphy's Tom Servo. His voice is so singular— there's nothing wrong with the new Servo, but there really needs to be more differentiation between the riffers' voices.

Type 'murderer's row' one more time and Kang will wield the shovel himself

sorry to sound uncivil, but your post makes Kang long for someone to beat you to death with a shovel.

Haven't seen it yet!

Happy to see the grade, but honestly— After 'Mad Men', 'Top of the Lake', and 'Queen of Earth', Kang will watch absolutely anything Elizabeth Moss is attached to. She is incredible.

God bless James Gunn's GoTG, for clearing the way for Taika Waititi to use COLOR and KIRBYisms in the movie's design. If you look closely, the wall behind Goldblum's Grandmaster is decorated with a full Jack Kirby mural. Just awesome.

Don't forget 'The Bitter Warm-Up Allan Havey Show' and, as of tonight, 'Lockup: Artie Lange'

This show is so STACKED with awesome actors and performances, I almost overlook Stanley Tucci, who is having so much goddamn illicit fun playing Uber-dick Jack Warner that I almost like him

Yeah, Sarandon is distractingly gorgeous— but her performance is so great it isn't a deal breaker. She obviously shares part of a demonic locket with Marisa Tomei. Off topic, is anyone worried about Kieran Shipka's weight? She's terrific as always, and very pretty, but she looks worryingly skinny.


Well, Kang would agree with you to some degree, but thinks it's an important distinction that this 'damsel' isn't saved by the main character, or even a male character. She's rescued by Syd via the glasses. Kang loves Kerry's badassery, but she always seemed to idealize violence in a way that reflected her

Yes, Irwin is great. The whole casting of the show is phenomenal with an eclectic group of actors Kang loves separately but would never think to put together— Irwin, Jane Smart, Plaza, Stevens, Clement. And Cary/Kerry quickly and surprisingly became the most touching and badass character in a great bunch.

Disagree, the sickly arms really make the look Kang thinks

Jessica Jones previously held the title, but Legion eats it for breakfast. JJ has very strong themes but, like all the Netflix shows, is done in by its story being ridiculously bloated to fill 13 hours. 8 eps was perfect for Legion.

Shit or get off the pot, Westworld!

Kang was deeply skeptical of this show and it is now firmly his favorite current show. The cast is wonderful, the design is beautiful, it scratches comic-booky itches from the most unexpected angles, and it tells its story with remarkably little fat. Bravo, Legion. And more Clement and Plaza?? HELL YES. When