
Finally caught up on my Black Mirror. Hadn't finished season 2 because 'The Waldo Moment' was rumored to be the really weak episode of the season and I procrastinated watching it. Having finally seen it post-Trump, I don't think any tv episode has aged so well, so quickly. I'm sad to say.

Muslims are a group of people defined by their religion. Dehumanizing them as a whole group is known as 'bigotry'. Scorning an individual man who has a long, verified record of spreading hateful, proven falsehoods and bullying others for attention and financial gain is known as 'decency'.

Hey, Kang wanted single-payer. But there needed to be SOME kind of action to get more people under the insurance umbrella while starting to deflate costs. Also, people's insurance quality under Obamacare seems to vary wildly. Some people have had good experience at reasonable rates, and others are completely

Didn't mean to imply that you were, precisely. Sorry for that. But Obamacare won't be repealed? You sure about that? It seems at the very least they're going to try to dismantle 'all the bad parts' but of course, no one is sure how health care insurance reform is supposed to work without mandated coverage at this

Dunno, all those ill-informed people screaming about 'death panels' before Obamacare rolled out sure seemed to make a difference.

Your point is invalid if the 'sexy sidekick' in one movie imanages to be a much more compelling character than the 'lead' in another.

Her projects have been bad, but she's always been good.

Yes! Piper absolutely slayed that scene like nothing else she's done before

Eva Green, duh. Simply amazing.

DEAR AVCLUB: 'Reasonable Discussions' is a much, much, much, much, much, much, much better feature than fucking 'Great Job, Internet'. Stop choking the site with GJI and keep RD on your home page WHERE WE CAN FUCKING FIND IT. Please and fucking thank you.

Actually, if you read the rest of the magazine, it's got a lot of excellent long-form reporting, the kind that is desperately hard to find and just as desperately needed nowadays. That is, if nuance and deep coverage is the kind of thing that appeals to you.


The academy should have just given Goodman the fucking statue the minute he bit into that ic cream corne. The fact that Kang remembers such a throwaway moment from a movie he saw in the theater is why.

Disagree with the letter grade, agree with the text of the actual review, which is more like a C+. Westworld, bafflingly,has been designed as a mystery show without actual surprises. In fact the more Kang writes about it, the more he thinks he's not going to bother with season 2

Hmm. Except, flawed as it is, there are a lot of very vulnerable people who will suffer while this 'creative destruction' happens— or worse yet, this toxic administration becomes the status quo.

Really good talk. And I will keep at the relentless civility because I think we just managed to have a real fucking conversation in no small part because of it. You're a smart dude, Humph. Glad to hear real opinions instead of a troll fight. And I don't think you're wrong.

You may be right— and maybe it's a dumb policy— but from here on out, everyone who I honestly believe is better qualified to be a leader than Donald Trump is getting the benefit of the doubt. That includes Chris Evans. Hell, that includes Mitt Romney, and Kang can't stand Mitt Romney!

Although damn, 'hateful?' I don't see where you got that, honestly

Let me tell you (without trying to co-opt you!) that I fucking love this post.

Didn't know about it, but it doesn't seem like much. They were goofing on a character played by their co-star with whom—i think?— they have a good relationship. They used some juvenile language. It would be different if Johannsen herself had complained, I think. And by the tone, it seems like Evans just as likely