
Hey man— I actually agree with you about the cultural arrogance. No way I'm buying into the false equivalency of left and right both being equally mendacious and uncivil, but the culture of shaming people into compliance has not been good for dialogue, that's for sure. I was very worried, even before Trump got the

Hast thou come to test me, Troll Satan?

No one said I was super-impressed that Chris Evans wrote a tweet (if he did write it— I suspect he did). It's that I'm sick of the default mode being a refusal to acknowledge anyone's sincerity— it's a symptom of a cynicism that I truly believe has made our republic deathly ill. I also never said that if you're not

It's part of the American ethos— everyone wants to be the charming con man, nobody wants to be the sucker. So the easiest way to appear street-smart is to take the piss out of anybody caught being earnest. Of course there are plenty of sanctimonious fakes out there, and there's certainly pleasure in puncturing

I think you might consider— just consider— re-reading the tone of my post and then re-reading the tone of your own. You not only misunderstood my text, you also called me out for 'othering' people who disagree with me when I bent over backwards to make it clear that I wasn't necessarily attacking rubberball

Kang appreciates your contrition and this day you shall know mercy. Now begone.

He is also trying very hard to be civil. it ain't easy. But something tells Kang you weren't really asking that question

He said action hero, not action villain.

Y'know, sorry to call anybody out, and this isn't directly aimed at you, rubberball— But Kang has had it up to here with the cynicism that has allowed the civil climate in our country to disintegrate. With the idea that every person who expresses civility and empathy is a fake and a hypocrite, and every one who

This guy gets it.

Kang loved Infinite Jest, but not right away. In fact, despite being a huge fan of DFW's essays, I thought the first 100 pages or so was excruciatingly overwritten. But once you get to around page 250 (a quiet scene involving a woman abusing drugs at a party) it really, really takes off.

Kang's post was in the form of a question, not declarative. But you clearly seem hostile. if you aren't angry, then your definition of 'relaxed and good-natured debate' is extremely odd.

Anybody think it's kind of dumb that the safe is empty? Like, Kang gets that it works on a thematic level. But seriously, this park that allows so much guest interactivity and goes through the trouble of building android sparrows and horses, and yet they don't bother to put some Monopoly money in the fucking safe?

Why are you so angry that people have theories about this show? Theorizing is the sole point of this show, since it teases a non-linear narrative and its premise is founded on the audience doubting the fundamental nature/identity/motivations of its characters.

Kang never really appreciated Connie Britton in Friday Night Lights and American Horror Story, but then 2015-16 happened and between American Crime Story and American Ultra, he fell in love with her.

'I would be honored if the lady were to christen the rope folly that I have EEe-rECT-Edd-eh.'


Yeah, unless they've figured out a way to film the whole thing inside Geoff Darrow's head, there's very little point.

It's an underseen and really nice little movie, but his performance in 'The Missing Person' as a sad, degenerate alcoholic P.I. features some quietly terrific physical comedy.

So it's good?