
Yeah, Kang's mostly just focusing on things that are more helpful than not. If we could turn everyone around with just a meme, believe Kang he'd rather do that and stay home. More time for conquerin'.

I'm not apologizing for the acceptance of racism and misogyny that Trump voters clearly demonstrated, but they aren't all internet trolls. The time will soon come when a significant number of them are going to experience buyer's remorse. I'm not willing to be part of a cadre of people who 'I told you so' them into

Well, for Kang's part he's just become a part of a local group that's going to start fundraising and alliance building with some pre-existing groups, like the supporters of a local conference for helping low wage workers.
It's time that poor people and working people started seeing more smiling faces of local poor and

:) Kang's saying, let's stop leaving things up to Facebook. Donald Trump being plausibly elected is an American Tragedy, but some of these articles read like parents who are angry at TV for not teaching their kids good values.

Or, we could start seriously trying to reach out to all the depressed communities that got suckered by Trump and start pumping infrastructure and education dollars into them so they have an investment in being well-informed. Once rational people of good will retake both houses of congress in two years, of course.

Well, I'm neither an investment banker or Saudi, but Kang would still call that a bit of an oversimplification. There are so many factors in this travesty, and everyone horrified by this election result has to start taking a look at their own blind spots and mending fences with potential allies. If anyone deserves

If you care about Flint, You sound like someone who probably isn't pro-Trump. But even if you are—How about we start trying to buck corrosive internet culture and start listening to each other? It's a start, and there are enough Simpsons quotes for everyone!

Yes. Donald Trump is going to betray all the people gullible enough to trust him, and will be pure retribution on all the opportunists foolish enough to think they can use him. Kang's a lefty with nothing but disdain for the craven likes of Paul Ryan, but we genuinely have to concentrate on how to build the best

You got your garbage ignoramus con artist country— just enjoy it for the two years—maximum—before your great leader implodes and takes all of his craven hypocritical enablers with him. After that we will try to fix it and even bargain with you on ways to forge constructive compromises, for which you will thank us by

You just forced Kang to smile. He would like to kiss you full on the mouth for that.

I agree. It's tempting in this moment to succumb to rage and despair, and Teti is wise to both resist that but also to acknowledge that the stakes suddenly are as desperately, ugently real to every decent American as they always have been to black people, muslims, and immigrants. I'm a New Yorker temporarily

Ok. It's official— plot and character are irrelevant. With this episode's rendition of 'fake plastic trees', Westworld has justified its existence on soundtrack alone.

Done! Let no mortal claim that Kang does not put Kang's money where Kang's mouth is!

Hey that's… You know what? Not what Kang was expecting but good for you!

Kang doesn't read Marvel comics anymore. Future Kangs warned him to stop subjecting himself to that shit right around when Liefeld became a thing.

Does Kang need to link the article where James Gunn predicted that Hollywood would learn all the wrong lessons from Deadpool's success?

Yes, and he's still terrible at serious acting

Thank you for saving Kang from having to type all that… again

You shut your filthy mouth that Winter Soldier isn't an incredible action film or Kang will…

Yes it's one of the worst reviewer tropes 'I'll just half-ass an angle on how to differentiate this particular entry in a franchise, even though the evidence is thin at best.' However much you love/loathe the MCU, The Rocket & Groot effects in GotG and the Leipzig Airport Fight in Civil War are pretty fucking legit