
This is a very good point. The show has incredible presentation and production values,but it does beg the question of an 'Eastworld' existing for more feminine power fantasies. Then again, the show may be working towards a meta textual commentary on 'violence n' tits' prestige cable dramas, in which case the focus

Enjoyed the show, but it was ridiculous that Mariah brought up drowning him and yet no one ever tried. And let's not forget when THE WEAPONS DEALER had him trapped in the basement of the club, and yet never thought of gassing him?

Yeah, and Nelson & Murdock's offices are on South 4th between Keap & Hooper in East Williamsburg. Most gratifying was seeing Daredevil meet up with Punisher (and perch on the entrance) at Green-wood Cemetery, around the corner from Kang's apartment!

Cue a classic Teti riff on the mysterious phenomenon of football 'momentum' from last year's B & T

Maybe it's because of the clear influence of blaxploitation films, but this show actually gets MORE enjoyable the cheesier it gets. Luke's hair was fucking hysterical in this—- and delightful! By the time he went full Frederick Douglass, Kang was gasping with laughter.

Acid could only possibly make his face LESS punchable.

That was a particularly Badoon.

Stop talkin' bout flags, Kang's feet are killing him

Kang hopes you were fucking STANDING when you flagged!

I know! It's like Colin doesn't even care about all those flags that cure cancer!

Here's something unambiguous: This Kyle Fowle's reviews are the worst.

Even his nag of a wife!*

Kang's FAVORITE trope is Hopper's supernatural punching powers, which lay even the most seasoned Special Ops guys flat. The series all but dares you to laugh at it when Hopper neutralizes the three agents around the bus. Kang is not being sarcastic about this— the show is just acknowledging that good-hearted

It can be more than one thing.

Sonya Soraiya is the worst possible combination of imperceptive, smug, humorless, and self-righteous. If Kang didn't know she was a real person, he'd have assumed the Men's Rights Activists invented her.

In a very real way, this show feels like a metaphor for the eight-year hissy fit that Red-State America has thrown in response to being governed by Obama, culminating in the massive dissociative episode that was the Trump Convention. Kang approves.

Where the fuck is John Goodman from Barton Fink?????

Yes, except the only thing Republicans hate more than liberal ideas are conservative ideas that Democrats successfully implement without them. (Romneycare, anyone?) Their partisanship is so toxic and psychotic that it's caused a party-wide dissociative episode.

Yes, as Mitch McConnell said shortly after Obama was inaugurated: 'Our number one priority is to make Barack Obama a one-term president. Now why is he too lazy to unite us?'

Upvotes for all, you reasonable thoughtful motherfuckers!