
Humanizing Bayley doesn't render Poussey's death 'blameless'. The blame is squarely on the culture of zero-tolerance enforcement and dehumanization that are exacerbated by for-profit prison management over a culture of rehabilitation-as-public-service. More directly, Piscatella is to blame for enforcing this

Chris Elliot is a comedy god and you aren't fit to wash his bike. SNL's garbage writing did him in, not the other way around.

Oh yes. Kang doesn't even watch 'Bacheror/ette' type-reality shows, and it's hilarious.

'A-'?? AND Shea Wigham's in it???

'I know your kind— making the scene, flouting convention.'

Bullshit. Even when playing themselves, Louis is a much better actor than Maron.

Is he better than Stern, though? Howard is probably the greatest interviewer alive, and yet that skill seems to be chronically overlooked (granted, he's at least partially responsible for that, having hosted about 500 more nude contests than were really necessary)

Eastbound & Down is, to this day, the only comedy that ended its run with its best season. Does Danny McBride have a schtick? Oh dear Kang yes. Does it ever get old? Not so far.

Hey man. Trying means you are at least on the right path to 'winning'. Not that any of us will be free of existential dread, but the will to try is the best signpost to health that any of us have. Good luck.

Thanks, now Kang has to power up his goddamned time-machine just to go back two minutes before he had the visual of Hannity being spit-roasted by Roger Ailes and Brian Kilmeade.

Is this Jason Mantzoukas?

For some reason, Kang is flashing back to the scene in The Dark Crystal where the decrepit, vulture-like Skeksis all team up to beat up and strip the one Skeksi naked.

"Hey Gretcheren, guess whose penis smells like burnt toast?"

"Just the chewed end of the Slim Jim. Please."

Ah Chris Christie. If there's one thing to thank Trump for, it's building a sinking ship so yuge and gaudy that that fat rat couldn't help but climb aboard.

Enjoy bed without dinner, Internet!

'You hear me, you fucking f*ggots??'

Kang will see your Senior Managing Editor-in-Chief For Life and raise you one Immortal Senior Managing Editor-in-Chief For Fuck-Off-How-Long!

Jeez, of course this was written by Teti. Kang was sitting there thinking, 'how is this article, about a revival for a game show he's never watched, so thoroughly compelling? It's almost as if Kang's tripped on one of his time-belts and returned to an era of quality pop culture writing at the AV Club!'

Upvoted for Ant Colony! The spiders with the weirdly static wolf-heads is the most inventively creepy character design, like, ever.