
No movie as well-shot and hilariously entertaining as Raising Cain can really be considered 'bad'.

Body Double is terrific. The only way to describe it is to imagine Scorsese was asked to remake Vertigo as a feature-length ad for some drug that combats erectile dysfunction. And it is every bit as insane and entertaining as that sounds.

DePalma needs actors who are so talented and vital they know how to have fun with garbage (Rachel McAdams in Passion), but he is utterly sunk by actors who lack a light touch (Noomi Rapace in Passion).

Kang very vividly remembers discovering Yvonne Craig in that Batgirl costume. Sure, it was watching 'Batman' in syndication in the early 90's, and she was already an old woman by then, but such is the power of Yvonne Craig.

She was so adorable before she got that nose job. Now she's just garden-variety Hollywood hot.

Giant corporate franchises can still be made with fun, heart, and creativity. Most recently, the airport fight scene in 'Civil War' was the purest pop-movie joy Kang has experienced in a theater in several years.

Personally can't wait to see Johnson's Star Wars entry… curious to see what a contemporary Star Wars looks like with an actual talented filmmaker at the helm.

You're probably right, but it was a creative misstep to deal with his death the way that they did. If Brienne did execute Stannis, they should have shown it. It's hypocritical for the showrunners to shy away from gore when the 'good guys' kill someone. And it's unnecessarily ambiguous in a way that doesn't serve

The biggest crime of this season is the show failing to address Davos' concern for Shireen. That really seems like a deep disservice to the character.

Kang called this one. THE HOUND IS ALIVE. Kang always said there was no way he enjoyed all that delicious set-up just to bleed out on some anonymous meadow. Offscreen deaths just don't count on 'GoT'. I'm looking at you now, Stannis!

As M. Bamford would say, 'I'm LGBQ-exclamation point!' and gave Esposito a chance… But after hearing her a few weeks ago on 'How Did This Get Made?'… Yep, she's awful. Everything circles back to her AM I BLOWING YOUR MIND WITH MY GAYNESS schtick, which would be fine if it were funny. Which it is most strenuously

Perhaps the biggest laugh of the season. Going back to rewatch that now.

Sir, I'll have you know that this is the internet.

You think that Martin hasn't finished the crowning book of his 20-years-in-the-making epic because he 'doesn't feel like it?'

Aren't you a snappy young go-getter! If George R.R. Martin is a lying fat slacker, Kang can't wait to read your tetralogy of 6,000 page fantasy novels.


If this thread is good for anything, it is good for reminding Kang he needs to go back in time to ensure that Carlos Jacott becomes a Bigger Thing. That guy is brilliant in this movie!

*Uses foot to push together pile of broken glass on the floor

'From Howard Beach to Crown Heights, we witness acts of hatred.'

'This thing is swimming in mayonnaise. I could get really sick, right?'