
Kang loves this movie, but Margot at the Wedding would like a word with you.

'privileged white whining blah blah blah'

Kang loves The Power Broker , and was so upset when he finally finished it that he had to console himself with another 1,000 page book (Infinite Jest), and then had to consume all 4 books in Caro's Years of Lyndon Johnson, which is almost as brilliant and just as thoroughly-researched as Power Broker.

Yes, it is. It's the greatest scene, and sums up everything Zack 'Duhr-hurr kill 'em all duhrrhrhrhrh' Snyder misses about Superman.

Hackman and Beatty are legitimately hilarious together, no matter how much the butthurt grimdark comic nerds may whine. Shut up, butthurt grimdarks!

Yeah, that's Grant Morrison's 'All-Star Superman', which is by far the best Superman and Lex you're gonna get. The comic is excellent, and mines a lot of humor from Lex's unconquerably huge ego.

What new devilry is this?

Yes, this episode was dull as hell. The Big Khaleesi Moment was such a redundant and transparently forced attempt to inject excitement into the episode, it was laughable.

Go watch 'World's Greatest Dad'. He runs the gamut of emotions, and it's probably his most daring, artistically rewarding film.

Obviously, Burns voters would be drawn to an improvident lackwit.

What the fuck? No love for Charles Willeford?

Only if 'underrated' means 'widely recognized as one of the finest moments of a legendary sondwriter's career'.

'Who was the first man without a face?'
'He had no name.'
'Ok, I asked for that.'

'Hold the Door'. OK 'Game of Thrones', I was starting to resent you but you've bought yourselves another year with this episode. Tears shed.

Yeah, having read all 4 extant volumes of Caro's 'Years of Lyndon Johnson', there is absolutely zero doubt he was drooling to be President from a very young age. It's a ludicrous and hilariously ignorant thing to claim.

LBJ most certainly wanted the office. Desperately. Which has nothing necessarily to do with Kennedy's death, but no one with even the slightest familiarity with LBJ would ever say anything as exceedingly stupid as claiming he didn't want to be POTUS.

So happy for The Bammer that this show is getting good reviews. But could it possibly be better than 'The Maria Bamford Show' that's already available here? https://youtu.be/yFHmNrxkuFU

Kang got into an artist residency in Texas! Free room, studio, and a STIPEND—- for ELEVEN MONTHS!

Kang cannot fathom how smashy things must get when a Hulk gets a PERIOD?? My prayers go out to the victims' families.

Kang is a super-powerful warlord from the 33rd century with technology so advanced that he routinely bends time and space to his will.