
Fine, he thinks they're intelligent. But going down into their den with no contingency plan, just based on old tomes, when there is no immediate emergency that necessitates him dealing face-to-face unprotected against dragons, simply does not seem like Tyrion to me. At least the writers should portray him as

This show is jumping the shark in slow motion. First Tyrion VOLUNTEERS to go unchain the dragons with painfully thin reasoning (both of which are out of character), then Ramsay dispatches his father and the Bolton heir with a deeply stupid joke ('I prefer being an only child'). There's a difference between hating

Yeah, Kang has heard from many sources that Woody Allen is a real asshole— not just in the Soon-Yi sense. Lerner seems like a reliable source— at least, his review of Celebrity is certainly accurate.

Kang votes for Julia Louis Dreyfus even if he can't explain to his snake-brain that it will in no way increase his chances of sleeping with her.

Jeez, who took a shit in your cornflakes this morning?

Davos isn't a fan favorite? Mruh-wha now? Everything else you say is correct.

Hey, they probably just heard they're getting hot psycho chick for dinner.

Don't call him McStoney-Arm! Shhhhh! That's supposed to be a secret!

Literally, little cartoon zip-a-dee-doo-dah birds would be the best

Yes. Kang was laughing SO HARD that he was nearly angry at himself for falling so deeply for such an easy gag. But dear Jesus Christ CEO of the world it was funny. Think it must have been the antlers.

Yeah, that character is so deeply funny and so deeply sad at the same time, and Matt McCoy is 100% responsible for that poignancy. It's like the show writers wrote this one-joke character and Matt McCoy builds an entire heartbreaking universe out of him.

But why not simply show him killed? It's literally the only time that Kang can think of a major character being killed offscreen. And we spent so long seeing his deterioration, that thematically it feels off that he would just be cleanly dispatched by Brienne. If that is how he dies, his whole story seems like

Yeah, that was weird. It was like, 'lucky for us, this isn't just before the credits so we can walk around without incident. See all those peasants running for their lives? Let's go towards them.'

I'll see your Jessica Henwick and raise you one Rosabell Laurenti Sellers.

Actually Kang was delighted with Khal Moro's exasperated banter with his goons. 'Seeing a beautiful woman naked is among the FIVE best things in this life.' Snortle. Playing the Dothraki's Conanisms for laughs is the right way to go.

Ok, but to be fair that one Sand Idiot who stabs Michael Clarke Duncan is suuuuuuuuuuper hot. Kang is interested in knowing more. Perhaps she'd like to deliver some exposition one of these episodes?

It's incredibly suspicious that we didn't see Stannis die. Also, narratively it doesn't make much sense to kill him off that way. While it was clear that Catelyn and Robb Stark had reached a dead end storywise, Stannis was built up for waaaaaay too long to not have some part in the show's endgame.

Not gonna lie, I burn a lot of tachyons going to 1998 to indulge my craving for the Big N'Tasty.

But Cate Blanchett in that movie… come on. She devoured that movie whole. Who cares about the rest of Allen's middlebrow foofery, that performance was onn-credeee-bleh

An unqualified A????