
Yes, why can't alarms be more soothing?

Space-age plastic! Which is actually a term for plastic that is hopelessly ancient and brittle in this galaxy far, far away.


Kang realizes this. But 'TFA' burned off all his tolerance for everything Death Star-related.

Kang thinks really has the potential to be good, since its freed from all the fan-obligations served by the wildly overrated and creatively bankrupt 'The Force Awakens'.

Bruce to Alfred: 'I'm going to tell them it was all your idea.'

Murder-Man, Murder-Man,
Does whatever a murder can,
Shoots you dead, runs you down
Unless you're a psychotic mass-murdering clown

This guy gets it!

Filmed at Brooklyn's Green-Wood Cemetery, right near Kang's pad! Squint hard at the power station in the background and you can probably see a little drunk Kang walking back from the bar!

Iron Man 1 (terrific!)
Captain America: the first avenger(good solid setup for Winter Soldier)
Thor 1 (mainly for Avengers setup)
The Avengers
Iron Man 3 (underrated!)
Captain America: winter soldier(essential!)
Guardians of the Galaxy

You know there's a nearby timeline where this movie tanks COMPLETELY and things work out happily for everyone, right? You want a peek? OK here goes:

Notes from Kevin Feige Meeting with Zack Snyder, lobbying to be director for Marvel's Spectacular Spider-Man (2017)

2 things:

Anyone tempted to see this awful lump of diarrhea should resist that impulse and do what Kang did: Watch 'Spider-Man 2' again instead. It's like one long middle finger to all the Zack Snyders of the world. Also, afterwards you can just imagine 'what would be the opposite of this well-crafted, brilliant, heartfelt

Yes, 'Superman as a douchebag' is certainly a new direction. Enjoy this 'interpretation' along with Zack Snyder's 'vision' of filmmaking, which he has innovated to exclude all recognizable character motivation or even the most basic internal logic. Kang will stick to the moronic comics from now on.

Exactly. I hated Snyder's version of 'Watchmen' with the same passion, because it was clear his emotionally-stunted mind had simply taken the visuals of Moore/Gibbons' book and never grasped any of the empathy or complexity of it… I can merely dislike movies that are not competently made. But Zack Snyder

Kang watched and enjoyed 'Justice League Unlimited' on Netflix (two things he will never do with 'BvS')… and wasn't that a plot? I seem to remember Batman and Wonder Woman got together in that series (in a 'friends-with-benefits, worst-kept-secret' kind of way)

That movie would have gone from lame to awesome if Costner had said, 'Put the dog in the car, son. Papa's gonna fight him a twister.'

Some of the fanboys defending this piece of shit are incredible. Superman doesn't bear even a passing resemblance to the tone/personality of the character as he's been portrayed in over 80 years of comic history. And yet some 'fans' seem to defend this as an 'adult' evolution of the character.

Morrison did a pretty good job in 'All-Star Superman'. But Kang concedes that was all the way back in 2012.