
Kang prefers Marvel's movies for smart, thoughtful kids over DC's movies for stupid, emotionally-stunted adults 6 days a week and twice on Sundays.

Yeah, Steve Rogers died and came back to a world where almost all his friends are dead, and he never had a chance to dance with the love of his life, but he gets to see her slowly get consumed by Alzheimer's. Oh and PS, the spy organization she founded was subverted by Nazis on day 1 and has been corrupting world

Hey, you're the one who added the extra D, dude

She plays a post-paralysis Barbara Gordon, but apparently her role was completely cut from the movie. So you can add 'No Jena Malone' to the long list of reasons this movie doesn't deserve your money.

Nope. His story checks out.

Worth it!

Kang thinks we should suspend all laws for 24 hours, just so Rip Torn and Jeffrey Tambor have an opportunity to get shit-faced, steal the body, and go on one last adventure together.

Oh right, I forgot this happened in 2016. Well, you can fuck right off, 2016!

This is the best Trump/Cruz debate yet.

If there's one thing Kang can't stand, its people who can't get their blue overlords straight.

We all love Chris Evans, but trust me, it really helps your story if people actually like the hero before you kill him off.


Guys, guys, you're both wrong.

Kang suggests a Comic Cinematic Universe Cross-Over Event!

WB can't take Snyder off the production of Justice League while the current movie is opening, because it would be a P.R. disaster while they're trying to sucker people into buying tickets.

'Obviously, Dowd doesn't like bats or the color blue. That's the only reason he doesn't like this movie. Also, payola. And I have a picture of him from the late-80's with a Spider-Man lunchbox. Coincidence? I think not.'

And there haven't been any 'sight-unseen' A-grades from blind fanboys?

Wow, the audience review score at Rotten Tomatoes has hit 79% already… and that's with the disproportionate share of 100% reviews from fanboys who haven't seen it and super fans who watched hype-addled advance screenings. Meanwhile, the critic reviews have dropped to 33%.

Kang really liked his DotD remake, but that was his high water mark and in hindsight its good qualities seem to be entirely due to James Gunn's script.

The real precedent is Ghostbusters, or Guardians of the Galaxy. You love each and every member of those teams, no individual origins necessary. It's all in the interactions. It really helps matters if you write a damned script with a single story and just follow through.