
The only difference between Starship Troopers* and Man of Steel is Starship Troopers is awesome, funny, self-aware, with some great action beats and has something to say about western culture.

Marvel promoted a gun-toting space raccoon to the first string. And yet Zack Snyder thinks if Superman cracks a smile, people will think he's, like, gay or something.

Exactly. If you'll notice, all the gloomiest and doomiest of our Presidential hopefuls are the most transparently sociopathic and self-aggrandizing.*

Kang read that script. The heroes didn't kill. (well, maybe Batman was forced to kill Max whats-his-face at the end—can't remember?)

Yes, you're right, 'Batman V Superman' is a good movie! It's just most people's eyes, ears, and brains are so damned biased!

No, incidentally it's not OK. Because as you just stated, your view is that anyone who is critical of Snyder, or didn't enjoy 'Man of Steel', or didn't like the adaptation of 'Watchmen' is fundamentally dishonest and only holds those opinions because they are on a 'bandwagon'. It couldn't possibly be because they

Having an honest opinion is not the same thing as having an agenda. Words work good sometimes!

When someone simply states their opinion, it's not 'bias'. They are simply letting you know their honest opinion of something relevant to the thing they are reviewing, so you have an idea of their tastes. 'Bias' is when someone has a specific agenda that makes them incapable of judging something on its merits.

How about the sexy, glossy slo-mo that Snyder uses to shoot the scene where Rorschach snaps and murders the child-killer?

Kang just wants to say that he legitimately LOVES the new DD helmet, and the sculpted eyes/lenses should give the next Batman costume designer some good ideas. Obviously they've also taken more care in the tailoring/lighting of the suit, and it really, really works. He seems like some kind of legitimately scary

Anna Kendrick is great in Up in the Air, easily the best part of that (fairly flawed) movie.

Kang doesn't love Hathaway, but she's certainly a much better actor, with more range, than Julia Roberts. She can actually elevate material. For instance, she gave a fun, sexy and smart performance in 'Dark Knight Rises', a movie that itself was not remotely fun, sexy or smart.

So Sava is AV Club's Manohla Dargis, who reviews everything on subtext and racial diversity alone, without ever considering the craft of the actual narrative she's watching?*

Kang's first graphic novel was 'Elektra: Assassin' (11 year old me loved that bill sienkiwicz art). When Elodie Yung spoke her first lines, Kang said aloud: 'Holy Shit. That's really Elektra Natchios.'

It was insane. When DD stopped the elevator when the old man got threatened. When he knocked out the first light 'I'll be fine'. When he whipped the gun out of the biker's hand with the chain, and then hung the other biker off the staircase with it… Holy fucking shit.

Yeah, Pointer Brothers is Kang's favorite sketch— BECAUSE the premise is so silly and yet Robinson keeps finding ways to escalate the hostility and rules/backstory of the group.

Oh my, Pollyanna McIntosh is in this? Kang is suddenly… intrigued.

Up voted for being a pretty good gimmick account.

It's possible they may have put all their '90's profits into quietly developing trans-temporal portal technology.
