
Kang didn't fully 'get' De Palma until one insomnia-stricken night when he streamed Body Double on Netflix. That movie sits comfortably inside De Palma's razor-thin margin of 'Hitchcock parody that's as well-made a film as the movie he's parodying'.

So was most of the 2003 movie. Kang fails to see your point.

Yes, nice to hear this is an improvement over season 1. There was a lot to like last season (mainly the cast), but a lot of the writing was damn stupid. Vondae Curtis Hall made a good Ben Urich, but everything related to the investigation into Fisk felt like it was written by a twelve-year-old.

Kang laughed his fucking ass off at this thing and don't care who knows it. The sheer diversity of this paired with John Early's previous episode is the most exciting thing about this show.

Amanda Peet

Are you saying that The Wire is just as unrealistic as TJ Hooker? Because that's really the argument here, and I don't think it's one you're likely to win. Whatever you may know about policing, you sure don't seem to know much about reading.

Don't forget the Super Bowl of bullshit that was Signs.

Kang hearts this post.

The last Captain America movie had a metric ton of practical stunts, and it was awesome. But Kang respects your right to be murdered by Kang for your objectively stupid opinion.

Really? While they have similar hair, Serpentine seemed more like an analogue for Warhol associates Paul Morrissey/Fred Hughes, not Lou Reed.

Hank is The Bat! He's a total badass-in-waiting!

Also a NYC art-person, and while this episode was great, Kang feels that Venture Bros. will never top the hipster joke of casting Bowie as The Sovereign with Iggy and Klaus Nomi as his henchmen.

This was a reference to Bull Durham, and it was epic.

Agreed, Kang loves this show but this episode felt contrived and trying-too-hard. C'mon, one night back in town and this hot woman from Brett's past is all over him? There were just too many convenient hollywoodisms.

That's just how we went after OJ! And then we hired a bunch of liberal lawyers to get him off! All part of our plan to make sure that conservative black men will never be able to murder or molest anyone in private, ever again! But also making sure that they get acquitted/confirmed to a seat on the nation's highest

I'll take a corrupt-but-capable bureaucrat over Cruz/Trump/Christie/Rubio/Carson any day of the week.

Having read all 4 extant volumes of Robert Caro's The Years of Lyndon Johnson, it wasn't long before Kang became annoyed at the complete ineptitude of this series' writers to muster even a passing relationship with political reality. It was like following The Wire with an episode of T.J. Hooker.

Is this the only comedy Jeffrey Wright has done? Kang was surprised and delighted to hear his voice pop up.

Counterpoint: this movie is not good.

Kang has a time machine, but you only get one chance to watch Batman Forever with the eyes of a child.