
I got mugged today while you were half-assedly reading the news, Spider-Man.

Yes, this. Thanos hasn't been introduced as a character, just a Big Boss that needs to be beat at the end of the video game. Kang loves the MCU for the most part… but this concerns him deeply.

How does Chris Rock, famous black comedian, not bring up the racial controversy surrounding the 2016 Oscars when he's THE HOST? Have you ever met a comedian? Or watched a comedian work? It would have been more notable if he hadn't used the material.

Actually, Kang is a straight white male lefty, but he was more offended at the several dumb jokes that Rock lobbed at gay material ('Carol' being a woman-on-woman porn, Sam Smith's speech being fodder for jokes)… It kind of highlighted an unfortunate blind spot where we're all supposed to be so sensitive about black

Kang is mostly just grateful that the 3-star-movie-dressed-up-like-a-4-star-movie Revenant didn't steal best picture. Kang was rooting for Fury Road, but he can live with Spotlight, which deserves its own special Oscar for 'Screenplay that assiduously avoids overtly manufacturing dramatic conflicts'.

Yeah, the character isn't helped by the conceit that even though he does almost everything possible to be unappealing, hot women just throw themselves at him. It would be a different story if we saw him going on OKCupid dates and mistreating homely-but-decent women. It would be cringe-inducing but also much more

This show, like GIRLS highlights what happens when you (fail to) cast good actors. Gillian Jacobs always finds a way to make Mickey seem real and vulnerable, even though she often acts like a douche. Unfortunately, Paul Rust only knows how to fall back on his weird puckered-mouth-and-flailing-wrists awkward comedy

Someone above mentioned Shore Leave from Venture Brothers, who is a flaming twink and complete badass. You think the writers are just going to take aim at his flamboyance at first, but like most gender politics in that show, they pull it off with style to spare.


Definitely. Neal McDonough needs to do more bad guy roles. He was mesmerizing.

Rosebud was a sled. A child's sled.

The bizarro version? Fries Flaccid.

Yeah, the other theories are entertainingly eerie nonsense, but the minotaur theory is legitimately stupid to the point of actively grating on Kang's nerves.

Haven't seen this in 20 years, but was curious if the review would feature a screen cap of that shot. Was not disappointed.

Kang hated the costume last season, but it looks like they've re-tailored some of the more egregiously terrible elements (Kang's looking at you, ridiculously unflattering mask!) and will be upgrading the costume through the season. Looks much, much better.

Anthology Film Archives, brudda

Got to see it projected here in NYC! I worship that guy.

Yeah, that scene in the diner is a four-course-meal of Timothy Carey awesomeness. It's really worth seeing this movie for that alone.

While Kang is still basking in the last five minutes of this episode, let us not forget…

He's not a Duplass. Kang is not sure how to feel about them having a happy ending, since as it stands, her decision would seem to hinge on the fact that he's now a successful actor with more money, which would sap the poignancy out of their relationship. The one big problem with (writing) this show, is that so much