
That scene at the ice machine absolutely killed me. It was everything.

The Devils is too damn good for the likes of you. Away from Kang!

This is Ken Russell's masterpiece, an unbelievably great movie, and probably the #1 film on everyone's list of movies Criterion should be releasing, but can't because this world is a bullshit farce.

Both are great, and heavily supplied here.

Don't care if it's uncool or about upper-middle class white people or whatever— Really enjoy this show and think it's proof that getting the right actors is crucial to the material. In lesser hands these people might be insufferable, but Peet, Zissis, Duplass and Lynskey are all impeccably cast and do the heavy

It's true. Kanye can do it with both hands tied behind his back, asleep.

Where's Lena Dunham?

It was a big hush-hush thing, until Junior Soprano.

Kang's ancestors invented the iPhone holographic hand-job app.

Kang would like to thank Jamine Haul, for striking a blow against racism.


Keanu finally became a full-fledged, legit action hero. He had more presence as a remorseless murder machine than he ever had as a conventional everyman nice-guy protagonist.

Lake House!

"Are you bigoted, loudmouthed and not-all-that bright? Did a childhood accident cripple the part of your brain that feels shame? In the last election, did you vote for write-in candidates like perhaps 'Jack Bauer', or 'That brick-faced chef who yells at people'? Join our team!"

Thank you. Kang did not mean to sound so harsh, because he has good feelings about Ansari. Thanks to the thoughtful responses, Kang will give the series another shot. It was far from terrible, anyway; Kang thinks the high expectations from the rave reviews may have done it more harm than good.

Nice to meet you, No One Ever.

Right? Kang can see things like those big Debbie Gibson/Lisa Bonet hats creeping back into existence, as nostalgia turns the corner from late '80s into the very early '90's, and he feels his fists clench. If people bring back big fuzzy Dr. Suess hats, I'm burning this fucker down!

in their defense, they were severely inbred

Based purely on his glee that you name-checked Immortus, Kang may heed you, mortal.

Who the hell wants to live in NY? It's horrible—*walks through Prospect Park on a winter's day* I mean great—*grabs a seat on the train, turns out to be covered in human vomit*—I mean horrible—*eats fresh, authentic Banh Mi*—I mean great—*trudges through a mile of dirty slush, gets home, rent has gone up 20% since