
Love is so, like, 2004

Holy crap. Well done, @Baulderstone:disqus, that's the most gratifyingly eloquent definition of SJWs Kang has ever encountered.

Social Justice Warriors. Which is one of those terms that's actually fairly useful for describing an annoying subset of liberal, but once you use it you've self-identified as a raging asshole and probably an MRA (Kang quietly retires the trilby hat he used to like to wear, because assholes who can't enjoy Fury Road

Speaking of Apatow and raging assholes, Kang does sort of have a hankering for a relationship comedy that actually features young people who are complex and realistic without being boring, thoroughly irritating bags of shit. The opposite of Girls, basically.

Hopeful that this is good, although TV Club also gave Master of None an A-grade, and Kang gave up on that show after 3 episodes. Completely toothless, unfunny, and badly acted— like an adolescent's failed attempt to copy Louie. Which is surprising to write, since Kang generally enjoys Aziz Ansari.

Also not a fan of grimdark when people apply it to characters like Superman or The Fantastic Four, but this is The Punisher, i.e. the guy whose superpower is mass-murdering people with military-grade weapons. So it seems fairly appropriate in this case.

And that stupid ill-fitting costume that squished Cox's face.

See that there's a subplot where his mask gets damaged and they do a redesign on that costume, and it looks terrific. Praise the lord.

You underestimate Coogan's erotic power over the bespectacled at your peril

Fair enough. Admittedly, Kang himself is sporting a respectable semi

It's like millions of comedy-nerd-girls reached orgasm at once

Look up at that screencap. Ben Johnson, Warren Oates, William Holden and Ernest Borgnine. Jesus, Kang just dropped another testicle. Who know there were three?

Mostly excited and curious to see Bobby Cannavale carry a prestige show. The guy should be a much bigger deal. His career should have exploded not long after The Station Agent, really.

Kang can't believe he's typing this, but as of the last Suicide Squad trailer, there remains some promise that Jai Courtney might be sliding towards becoming Channing Tatum instead of Sam Worthington.

Kang thought it sucked beforehand and during, but not afterwards.

BATMAN: Alfred, have you finished backing up all the computer subroutines for the Exo-Batsuit yet?

Kang agrees, The Gasoline Fight (and Jon Voight's hair) are the only funny things about Zoolander, which is really not a very good movie.

Kang didn't hate the King's speech, until it got to the end and everyone was so happy that the King didn't stutter, that they laughed and applauded when he informed them that the time had come to send millions of their sons, husbands, and brothers to die.

Fine, except that would entail divorcing the content of a writer's art from the language. Which is stupid—that's like only liking a painter for their subjects while ignoring their brushstrokes. McCarthy's themes are bleak, but the language uses to build the narratives to carry those themes is hypnotizing, beautiful,

You are entitled to your opinion, even if that opinion compels Kang to shoot you in the face.