
Kang feels like Marvel is generally very good at making pleasant, funny, occasionally exciting and impactful adventure movies (Winter Soldier and Guardians of the Galaxy on a good year), and don't deserve the eye-rolling responses to their output. They seem to get a lot of misplaced blame for the fact that Hollywood

Just had a very dark vision of Spider-Man leaving hoodlums webbed up on a lightpost for the cops. When the police arrive, they promptly shoot the guys dead.

Perverts are a superstitious and cowardly lot!

Thor 1 is a cute, charming trifle. Thor 2 is a McMovie, utterly devoid of nutritional value.

Stagecoach should be at the top of your list. It's pretty remarkable. The whole thing culminates in a chase scene, and.. Well, you'd think any action scene filmed in 1939 would have aged poorly.

To be fair, Kang thought she was pretty decent in 'V for Vendetta'.

Whoops. Kang blames autocorrect!

Marlo comin'!

Terrance Stamp stayed pretty handsome, I'd say. Besides, British division begins and ends with David Hemmings.

Todd Solondz is an amazing filmmaker who dares to fail at making impossible movies, while people heap indie cred on top of vapid stylists like Wes Anderson, who enjoys a reputation as an auteur even though his last THREE movies have all ended in the same farcical, incompetently-made chase sequences that are much

When there's like, uh, legitimate bear rape, the body has a way of rejecting that.

Jealous that you get to spend a winter watching The Wire for the first time.

Yeah, it's really depressing in the that in the formerly ghettoized artform of comics that assclowns like Bob Kane were (and too often still are) lumped in with true greats like Eisner.

Yes, Bob Kane's tombstone is like 600 pounds of proof that he was a massive chode.

People who don't get Starship Troopers are not invited onto my boat. It's a simple rule, but it works.

Reservoir Dogs listed as one of Tarantino's WORST??? So…we lived through the '90's for NOTHING???

The love for 'Force Awakens' proves that people really do prefer movies when they're written by an algorithm generated through fan message board comments.

Yeah, Kang thinks he may even be the best part of this preview.

Oh, god, so now we have to fast-forward through an hour of some russian guy driving to the porn set?

Yes, but O'Kelly's behavior is completely unethical because his notes prove he was biased against the client whose DEFENSE he was supposed to be working for. And having family members and associates who are criminals does not make YOU guilty of murder. Does this really need to be explained to you?