
I've seen this argument from Kratz. He claims that Avery lured Teresa there under false pretenses, using *67 to conceal his caller ID. Kratz claims she was scared of him and wanted to avoid him. So she promptly got in her car and drove to the Avery compound, which is populated with several homes filled with Averys

The funniest thing about the wignuts' hatred of Obama is how incoherent it is. 'He's weak and ineffectual! For instance, look how he singlehandedly destroyed the Consitution!'

Kang is embarrassed to admit he signed that petition. But in my defense, it was 6 A.M., I had just watched 7 hours of television, and I was openly weeping.

You do realize that the real rapist was running around raping people while your 'sick SOB' was serving his sentence for him?

As much as I hate to admit it, I agree with that article that there are a lot of troubling implications towards Stephen's parents, given the criminal history of their offspring (read up on his brothers—-it ain't pretty).

Really don't understand the appeal of Master of None. Kang likes Aziz Anzari, but it's like they hired a bunch of writers who weren't quite good enough to keep their jobs at Broad City and Louie and then cast even more demonstrably bad actors in all the roles.

Yes, it is insulting to call someone a yokel. But Garret, I'm gonna stand by this one.

Forget even his conduct in the Avery case. The man tried to pick up a domestic violence victim while his office was handling her case. Via text.

Don't get me started on that 'evidence'. Evidence that he used Auto Trader magazine and had a bill of sale? Evidence that she came to the property to shoot pictures? None of that is disputed!

you must be a Manitowoc County juror! No one ever denied that there was a bonfire, which was a regular occurrence. The body wasn't burned in the bonfire. It was burned in a barrel and then deposited at the burn pit.

Isn't Bobby, along with his stepfather Scott, at least as plausible a suspect as Stephen Avery, if not moreso?

Yes, only an FBI conspiracy can explain how Obama managed to beat that unstoppable monsoon of charisma, Mitt Romney.

A 'rube' you say? Like someone who believes you can slit a person's throat in your dirty apartment without leaving trace amounts of blood?

Thanks, Obama!

Yes, this documentary is essential for, among other things, maybe bringing poorer whites around to seeing what 'Black Lives Matter' protesters are talking about.

Given even a cursory glance, Stephen doesn't even look like the third most likely suspect. His nephew Bobby and brother-in-law Scott Taldych look like the most obvious suspects. They were each other's alibis, they knew the property, the had gone 'hunting' (which is a good story if you're going to go shoot someone in

There is no feasible explanation of why Stephen's blood is in the truck, but no fingerprints. Except that there was no tube filled with 'liquid Avery fingerprints' available for those corrupt pieces of shit to steal.

Yes, the obvious glee he got at reading the details of Brendan's 'confession' to the media was completely disgusting. My bullshit detector isn't infallible, but it buried the needle the very first time that repulsive tub of self-satisfied goo opened its mouth to speak.

O'Kelly's weeping really felt like we were watching the entire criminal justice system have a psychotic break on the stand. All of the pious crap that these yokels tell themselves to justify their utter lack of respect for their duties to the justice system, all vomited out on the witness chair.

Kang was grateful for the company of Dean Strang and Jerry Buting throughout the case. Strang was emotional and idealistic— particularly when he couldn't help but blurt out an opinion on Brendan's case after Stephen's conviction. Buting was more wry and a little cooler, but just as effective. They were a welcome