
Yes, Kang really enjoyed this show but if it HAD to be 13 episodes, the whole season should have been plotted like a classic 'Simpsons' episode, with a killer hook for the first couple hours that twisted into the Kilgrave plot.

Really agree— Kang is a man who considers himself a feminist, but not an uncritical 'SJW' and was impressed at how organically and smartly the show wove feminist themes through the antagonist relationships without being overly didactic and obvious about it. Much like 'Mean Girls', this is a fun watch that has some

Kang hasn't read the 'Alias' comic book, but apparently Carrie-Anne Moss's character was male in the books.

Granted, Adams' initial weirdly entitled description of all the manisms he has to endure is goofy at best, but…

Kang loves her Hunger Games hair.

Agree that it's a little absurd to check boxes against this show, which of its own accord naturally and elegantly checks almost every conceivable box already.

A few thoughts:

Yeah, Tennant did a great job of playing a man-child who thinks of himself as charming and basically harmless, only because he is so totally devoid of empathy for what he's actually doing to people. Kudos to the writers and the actor for actually giving him an emotional life and some (twisted) personal charisma— it

Kang understands what they're doing with those characters, and he appreciates that 'heroism' means caring about the tragedies that befall even unlikable incest-twins, and yet Kang finds saintly Malcolm and cringeworthy Robyn only work as ideas, not characters. Screechy, deeply annoying ideas.

On the other hand, he can probably go forever, which is why JJ is having feels.

As a Brooklynite who lives within spitting distance of Industry City (where Kilgrave's extraction cell was), Kang deeply empathizes with his desire to tell everyone around him to shut up and turn off their cell phones.

Counterpoint: Malcolm is tedious.

Trish going all proto-Hellcat on Nuke-pills got Kang PUMPED to see her become a superhero.

Hey, spoiler alert, dickbag! Kang's reading this in 1998!

Loved that detail. The show did the opposite of spinning its wheels! The characters took their knowledge and immediately applied it to taking out the bad guy, only to be foiled by his very smart contingency security. Wheel-spinning is when characters dawdle/do stupid crap only to draw out the plot.

This is all true, except you left out the fact that she is also the most jaw-droppingly ignorant person, of either party, to ever be put on the national ticket.*

Yes. This. This. This ^^^^^ to all the deluded right-wingers who think it's possible to 'exaggerate' Sarah Palin.

'She could have opened her mouth and had a static noise dubbed in…'

This Thanksgiving, we can certainly be grateful that Sarah Palin has finally become so utterly irrelevant that even Kang no longer feels the urgent need to strangle her to death with his bare hands.

Rule the world?? First you'll have to defeat the unstoppable juggernaut of charisma known as Ben. Fucking. Carson!