
Gwendoline Christie is a great actress, big as a house, and beautiful, but not sure she has the right look for She-Hulk… Gwendoline Christie is delightful, but Gwendoline Christie painted green sounds vaguely off-putting.

Someone get the internet a new pair of pants! Stat!

Don't worry, Cameron Esposito isn't playing Jessica Jones!

Agreed. Kang just doesn't quite consider Veronica Mars 'Noir'… more like standard detective fiction with nods to hard-boiled genre with things like voice-over. But if we start arguing the definition of 'noir', Kang is gonna have to rev up the time machine or be late for his job.

Molina is the best. The guy could spout vintage Stan Lee dialogue like a champ, and looked like a Ditko drawing.

Uh, 'noir' doesn't usually feature a protagonist who is clearly morally upstanding. While Pete's failure to stop the burglar is an obvious moral failing, he becomes an unambiguous good guy after that. Pete indulges in one single moment of douchebaggery and spends the rest of his life atoning for it— it's what makes

Looking forward to this— Kang thought 'Daredevil' was a great 1/2 season with a great cast until sophomoric writing and that… costume deflated it a bit. But he has never read a Jessica Jones comic so is looking forward to seeing a Marvel show with no expectations. And my feminist friends will approve, even though I

I switch the ol' time machine to 'Friday' and bing-bang-boom, I got my weekend back after burning two days on 'Daredevil'.

Yes, known as 'Nolanitis'. See (Rises, The Dark Knight), (Ception, In) and (Terstellar, In)

Fine. It got tedious and tried to psychologize Bond in a really boring vague way that tried(and failed, so says Kang!) to make him more interesting and sympathetic. In fact, it made him more generic as a standard blockbuster 'tortured hero' instead of the charmingly sociopathic superspy he used to be.

Pierce Brosnan is a good actor and Goldeneye and the one with Robert Carlyle as the bad guy with no pain reflex were a hell of a lot of fun. Also, his run gave us Famke Jannsen. YOU LEAVE HIM ALONE

Skyfall is moderate fun and then gets real tedious and pretentious at the end.

Her name is Xenia Onatop, sir, and you'd better believe she's in Kang's time-harem.

Guardians is so much better than Fifth Element.

Uninspired job, internet.

Kang yells about them, too.

Jesus Christ, Kinkade. There is SHIT. ON. YOUR. PANTS.

You're welcome!

The prequels are basically if you took Star Wars, removed Han Solo, paced it like an infomercial, and had all the actors play their parts in separate takes and then edited it together with a bunch of CGI noise in the background. The original Star Wars trilogy isn't great cinematic art; it's just basic storytelling

Kang has had many memorable assignations with beauties through time. I still booty-call Jane Fonda on the Barbarella shoot! And yet love eludes Kang. Weep for Kang, mortal!