
In related news, early this morning 2 million people, hung-over and ashamed, had a moment of clarity in which they realized that SNL truly is the Taco Bell of entertainment, and vowed never to be conned into watching anything so soulless and unfunny ever again, regardless of the host.

Kang would usually agree with this, but after what he saw last night— Nope, this show is really in the toilet. No one as talented as Kate McKinnon should be forced to participate in something like this. Fuck, this show feels like it's beneath Chris Kattan.

It was like a ten-car pileup of utter mediocrity. At least Kang finally got to see this Jost character that everyone despises so much. It appears he deserves it.

Really, it's a mistake for SNL to use stunt guests to draw more viewers. i had low expectations and the only thing shocking was how shamefully unfunny the show is.

Hey, you can shove that silent X where you keep your arugula, elitist scum!

It's as relevant to high schoolers as it's ever been.

Are you also rich? If so, you may have some of Brooklyn.

Yeah! We're sick of all the hate being spread by those kikes and fags! Peace, man!

You forgot about Rorschach having Neo-like powers of jujitsu, taking all ingenuity and excitement out of the one real action scene from the book.

Making Ozymandias a transparent douche with no charisma is one of the movie's many, many wrong footed moves.

Please, read the book. It's really terrific and a far deeper piece of work than a meathead like Zack Snyder could ever hope to understand.

Kang doesn't think it's the glasses.

He looks like Jesse Eisenberg wearing a Ryan Fitzpatrick costume for Halloween.

'I read Comic Books'

OK, pal. You forced me.

Yes, but if all mechanisms of Evolutionary Theory aren't yet completely accounted for, it is still the theory most consistent with all geological and biological data we have. So if you believe in arguing science on the merits, what theory would you propose is MORE consistent with the evidence than Evolutionary Theory?

Finally, jobs for the smart people!


Yes, because 'scientists' routinely use semantics to prove or dismiss hypotheses. Calling something a 'theory' doesn't mean it's false, or even unlikely. It's called a 'theory' because it's one possible explanation and thus far all evidence has been consistent with it. Relativity is also a theory, and guess what?

It's totally funny— it's all in the execution. If it chiefly tries to derive mean-spirited laughs by characterizing women as fickle, shallow and vengeful, that's loathsome. But it's OK to take a small grain of truth (not the whole truth, or even a majority share) and take it to an absurd extreme.