
Oh, please. The day someone out-whores Trump for ratings, Shibboleth returns to reap humanity. Kate McKinnon could light one of her queefs on top of him, and he'd stay put.

So he DOES have good ideas!

Assertion, assertion, assertion, assertion, consonants and vowels, another assertion. Mission accomplished, buddy!

Moe Tucker—Crackin' Up
Tom Tom Club—You Make Me Rock and Roll
The Troggs— Our Love Will Still Be Here
The Clientele—Harvest Time
Twin Shadow—The One
B-52's—Dirty Back Road
Liquid Liquid—Optimo
Loudon Wainwright—I Am the Way
Captain Beefheart—Observatory Crest
Roxy Music—In the Midnight Hour

The Naked Kiss is just completely dynamite. Ever have times when you think 'I want to watch a hard-bitten two-fisted drama with crackerjack dialogue, a tough dame, and maybe a pinch of Lynchian weirdness'? Well, that is the movie for those times.

He gets them because they're both right-wing. He doesn't get Moore's attitude towards them (which is humanizing and complex, but hardly approving).

You're right, but in fairness Kang is talking specifically about film adaptations. Especially in the case of 'Watchmen', which seems like it was made by someone who didn't understand the novel even a little bit.

Yes, but they really aren't connected. The cops—rightfully—want to know why they should take orders from a goofily dressed stranger. After seeing his display of superheroics, they decide to follow him of their own free will. It's also worth noting that the 'orders' he's giving them are instructions on where to set

Fair point. The M:I movies seem much better at delivering the simple globe-trotting thrills that Bond seems so angsty about. The only thing that keeps the modern M:I movies from being more Bond than Bond is the focus on teamwork.

Kang cannot believe he is being led into this deep a level of nerd-discourse, but your points fail to convince.

Agreed. Bardem is good, but the entire final act is tedious in the extreme. Bond does NOT get more interesting when saddled with backstory and psychology. He should be a bit like Mad Max— A constant dropped into a variable plot for each movie, a dashing sociopathic cipher who gets the job done.

Well, your criticism may well apply to The Dark Knight— (Batman is using omni-surveillance, but just once and then it's destroyed, promise!) But how the heck did you read Winter Soldier as pro-surveillance??

Shouldn't it really be called 'Hannah' at this point? They (she) seem to have completely given up on developing any of the other GIRLS. Kang is hoping for at least a subplot where Marnie gets terminal, painful rectal cancer.

Isn't that where Han Solo went when he died? Does that count?

Promptly edited. Kang has to apologize for being himself a bit of a Brooklyn cliche´, in that he forgot that Wyoming exists.

Yeah, Kang got bored by how 100% an old-person wish-fulfillment show it is. Longmire is an old dude who is always being reminded how old he is, while also being 1000% more competent than any of the younger people, and being a 'TV Drunk'… meaning a guy whose truck is swamped in empty beer cans even though he's never

Eddie Murphy's problems started with 'Boomerang', a little-remembered movie that marked his attempt to transition from big-time comedian to cool-guy sex symbol. Many big-time comedians have achieved movie-star respect, but they usually do it by paying their dues as a character actor in dramatic projects for a while.

People who think movies need to make sense are missing out on some of the best movies.

Taylor Lautner looks like some mad scientist decided to create the perfect young action star in his lab, using advanced nanotech to sculpt the abs and a ball peen hammer to engineer away any troublesome signs of sentience.