
Kang's not really a fan of Jared Hess, but Gentlemen Broncos somehow manages to be a not-very-successful movie that nonetheless has some of my favorite scenes/ aesthetic choices/characters of any comedy from the past fifteen years. The entire late 70's sci-fi paperback look of the film is intensely pleasurable,

Kang agrees. Obviously, Kang is a Marvel man, but he thought the 'Man of Steel' trailer was a thing of beauty. He was skeptical of Zack Snyder but his heart was racing after that trailer! 'It could work!' He half-manically screamed at his browser.

Err….Kang was agreeing with you. At least he thought he was. Now he's just confused.

You have to hand it to Alex McCown— It takes a kind of genius to write an article about Jared Leto method-acting The Joker as designed by Ed Hardy, and manage to convince me that it's the writer who's the insufferable douchebag.

Upvoted for the mental image of Thing One n' Two preparing to hunt down tag_chicago. He opens his armory and considers the blunderbuss, crossbow, spiked mace… until he finally settles on a spear.

Everyone has. Show me someone who has actually passed a CGI Billy Connolly through their intestinal tract.

' Griff Whelan squeezed the football against his rectum for an extra second, making spectators complicit in his base Freudian impulse. Finally, safety Colt Anderson withdrew the tainted seed from Whelan’s pantomimed ovipositor as the Patriots converged to end the spectacle, unwilling to have their beliefs challenged

Yes, why can't everyone only write about things they like? Don't they know how writing is supposed to work?

You do realize that if Trump had simply taken his inheritance and invested it into simple index funds, instead of investing it in the businesses he ran, he would be more than 300% richer, right? That is…uh… not evidence of someone who knows what makes 'businesses strong'.

The most dissonance between good movie/horrible title has got to be HBO's You Don't Know Jack, which was a very well-acted and thoughtful film about Kevorkian's legacy and the fight for the right of terminally ill people to end their own lives. Great performance by Al Pacino— Between 'Jack', 'Phil Spector' and

Marking my calendar now!

Even better is that it was two middle-aged men playing that joke on an adolescent.

While there's no defending Hollywood's continued insistence on telling every non-caucasian story from a (surprise!) caucasian point of view (Jesus, remember that Pablo Escobar movie with Benicio Del Toro that's told from like his daughter's white boyfriend's POV?)…. I think you have a point here. 'heroic' characters

Kang stopped reading at 'Michael Gambon making a corpse fart', because that was the highlight that was not going to be topped. You peaked too early, RR!

If the humor of 'Rocky Horror' is at anyone's expense, it's directed at Janet and Brad for being such perfectly repressed squares lifted right out of a '50's sci-fi film. This is the sort of thing one does not usually explain, since it is obvious to the non-numbskull populace.

That was not the Pete Townsend computer joke we expected.

Nazi-Face Queso Dip?

Couldn't be worse than Blue Point Toasted Lager, which is the most disgustingly, mystifyingly sweet 'microbrew' Kang has ever had.

Those McConaughey commercials are great! They are so brutally cheesy that Kang feels real suspense as he waits for McConaughey to crack up. But he never does! That, sirs, is acting.

This actually seems like a potential—and tantalizing—angle for 'Force Awakens'. There are Empire Stormtroopers and whatnot, but no indication that Darth Driver is on their side . It would be kind of great if the Empire was like the moderate conservatives, trying to find a diplomatic solution with the Rebel republic,