
By all accounts, the Nazis at one time ran the most incredibly efficient BBQ/Bed & Breakfast in the entire time/space continuum. The metrics are really quite impre… *Sub-Minister of Cultural Sensitivities whispers desperately in Kang's ear*

Hey! Every popular, sophisticated, erudite supervillain knows the AVClub comments section is the place to go when we want to assert our dominion over you lot of garbage people.

You really must be a Democrat, because if we forced the current crop of Republican Presidential candidates to pass a competency test to run for office, they would collectively—and promptly— get their head stuck in the cat door.

Yes, because calling your interlocutors 'loony libbies' and basing policy on the idea that people can be neatly divided into 'the worthwhile vs. the worthless' is so much more sophisticated than screaming KOCHTRUMP.

Excuse me, but that 'planet of peaceful people' was a goddamned monarchy. I'll have you know that the Empire sponsored free elections on the scorched, barren asteroids that remained. #notallintergalacticwarlords

'Robin Hood' did perform a service; It, along with 'Batman & Robin', definitively killed Hollywood's fixation on casting BIG NAMES for fantasy films for which they were wholly unsuited. It was a pox on all the genre movies of the '90's. Now we have actual talented actors playing our superheroes and magicians. If

Kang will remove it for you!

Holy…. Kang just got a court summons to prove he really enjoyed Punisher: War Zone.

That was a lot of goddamn scrolling down just to write 'NO'.

Dear Joanna Newsom:
Kang knew and admired your music before Spotify. For every one of you, there are ten artists who Kang never would have appreciated/known about/PAID TO HEAR if it wasn't for Spotify. In short, I'm not even paying Spotify for you. I like you fine— I own you on iTunes. But I'm paying for Scott

Kang had no idea who Scott Walker was until Spotify's benevolent logorhythm suggested him.

Kang recommends you look up these tracks: The Old Man's Back Again, Plastic Palace People, and 30th Century Man .

Yes, Kang was a lifetime loather of football until Fantasy Football—and Kang's brutally competitive nature—made him a fan. It's a strange cognitive dissonance to enjoy something so much while despising its culture so, so, so much.

Seriously, though— for the sake of saving the other writers from bruised egos and satisfying the audience, can AVClub just establish that 'Random Roles' is exclusively Will Harris's beat? 'Random Roles simply isn't 'Random Roles' without Will.

One of the few post-Tarantino crime pastiche movies that actually works really well. He was great in that, and we could have gotten a Val Kilmer story!!!

Put your dick away, Kinkade!

Kang is proud to say he invented the sandblaster capable of eradicating childlike wonder from the corpus. Also, these movies suck. 1.21 gigawatts won't even power Kang's goddamn future-Nespresso.

Paul Scheer thanks you*. While Corey Stoll shakes is fists in rage!

Kang does not play video games and has no idea what system he has to get to plug this thing in and play it.

Schumer would destroy her. Unlike Dunham, she knows who she wants to take down and can do it with merciless precision.