
remember when Girls was the unsexy millennial antidote for Sex in the City, before it became the self-indulgent millennial version of Sex in the City?

Well, maybe Fassbender's song at the end pushes it to a straight B, he was wonderful. But there were too many generic 'artists are wacky!' jokes for me. Kang loves Fassbender, Gyllenhaal, Gleeson and McNairy, but the movie would have been a lot better if it had made the other band members into real characters

Is that Nick Offerman in an amish beard?

The man's delivery is so eccentric, the next generation will think his whole career happened post-accident.

Yes well fine and harrumph and all that, but there is a difference between Michael Bay making everything glisten perfectly and setting a rabid costume fetishist like Guillermo Del Toro loose to sink his teeth into gothic romance. Kang appreciates story and character as much as the next evil time-traveling warlord,

It's like the Fassbender Effect: Kang has started randomly selecting films from his Amazon/Netflix queue to start thinning them out. And so far the last THREE FILMS he's randomly chosen have all starred Fassbender*. That's how many movies he's in!

We care about Victorian-era white (rich) people because they are the excuse for crazy beautiful sets and costumes. A-Duhr.

More for Kang!

Kang thinks A Life Aquatic is actually rather charming and has aged well because it benefits from humble expectations. And it actually has a strong ending, unlike Moonrise Kingdom or Grand Budapest Hotel, which both start off strong and end in big, uninspired, dumb chase scenes.

If Malvo could learn dentistry inside a year, how hard could it be to master insurance sales?

So Marvel paid him for Avengers, and then paid him even more to lobotomize Avengers in Age of Ultron.

Kang completely agrees with you. Fargo the film did not have super-criminals, huge bloodbath military-grade shootouts, or characters who were so cartoonish they defied human motivation (the bullying trucking guy and his idiot sons? WTF). Also, the entire subplot with Oliver Platt was the most overcooked nonsensical

Many of the trains run less frequently than they used to, and even THOSE are often delayed. More people + fewer trains… you get the idea. It used to be that only the Williamsburg L and maybe the 4/5 were ridiculously crowded, and only at rush hour. Sadly, New York has endeavored to make every train, at every hour,

ha ha, the fuckin' Neon.

My first bottle of beer from Maine Beer Company, which I think was their 'Mo' ale. Kang was simultaneously intrigued/annoyed by the achingly precious off-white matte paper label with the elegant minimalist design. He thought 'This beer is probably all label/price tag and no cattle'. Oh my god, Kang was wrong.

Kang let his driver's license expire when he moved to Brooklyn and went 8 years without a license. I do not recommend it, mainly because it is such a mammoth pain in the ass to have to take all the courses and the test when you want to get your license back.

Hey guys, I just had a dream that I ran into Jay Leno, of all people. he asked me a bunch of questions about Bill Cosby, for some reason. Kang thinks it went pretty well.

'Well ain't this a geographical oddity. Two weeks from everywhere!'

Yes, Kang was supposed to read it in high school but he faked it (my insane AP English teacher gave us TWO WEEKS to read the damn thing!)… and is now glad he waited until his late 30's to read it.

Howard's always a good reviewer in every situation. The best there is.