
Moby Dick, about 65% of the way through. Stunned and delighted at how modern and intentionally funny this book is. Really proves it's best to go to the source (i.e., read) instead of simply think you know a book by its reputation.

4 Non Blondes is the '90's, kid.

Yes, Kang recommends watching the scene (on youtube) where Skeletor finally gets cosmic power. Langella perfectly channels the body language of Kirby's Doctor Doom—probably the closest thing to a true cinematic Doc Doom that we'll ever see. He's magnificent.

If I remember correctly, Sonia got a lot of flak for some sloppy writing in one of her reviews— something about how the show glamorized Justin Theroux terrorizing minority characters. It was pretty dumb and totally whiffed on the intent of the scene in question. Then she got on twitter and spouted something about

The only thing worse than Sonia's half-assed writing were the ugly bro-tards who turned it into a race war and made it impossible to criticize her without being lumped into their odious company.

People seem to be a lot quieter about Ed Begley being a nutjob now that they're driving around in their Prius/Tesla, and NYC is prepping for HURRICANE SEASON every year.

Kang sort of likes The Seahawks (hard not to sympathize with a team that stresses positive reinforcement and loses to Darth Belichik in the last minutes of the Superbowl)….

You joke, but the V reboot got canceled during Obama's administration. Just saying.

Hey this know-it-all thinks we only have one constitution! What a dumbass!

Yeah. Think about the careers of Colin Farell and McCaughnahey when they were being pushed as 'The Next Big Thing', and now look at the quality of projects they're able to do now that the pressure to be Tom Cruise 3.0 has lifted. Ellen Page has tons of talent, is constantly working, and she's still young. She's

Yeah. Kang enjoys 'Kick-Ass' for Hit-Girl and Cage, but 'Super' is much more fearless and committed to its premise. And Page's Boltie is a completely batshit great performance. The scene where she's taunting the criminal after hitting him with the car is the oscar clip no one would ever air.

'Since the beginning of time, man has yearned to destroy the sun.'

How's a Zeppelin supposed to fly if it's made out of lead??? And 'lead' is misspelled!

Settle down, Will and Miller. You're both killin' it.

Kang refuses to believe he's the only one who loved The Specials.

Kang finds it intolerable that somewhere, this enchanting woman and Paul F. Tompkins are hanging out and I'm not there.

It's pronounced 'Eh-tics'.

Kang likes this game.

Then Kang has to recommend A Late Quartet. It's just a decent movie, but it features old Walken giving a dynamite performance as a sweet, sensitive teacher and mentor. There's a scene where he's teaching a music class that is just wonderful and a million miles away from his weirdo schtick.

Andy Daly's voice coming out of the remorseless insect assassin is just WIN WIN WIN.