
If you intentionally got Alec Baldwin's name wrong in the above bit, then Kang doffs his blue facemask to you, sir.

Who cares if he keeps ALL of his supporters? He can have them. Republicans who believe stuff like 'Obama is a muslim' account for 29% of the G.O.P. So Trump is essentially owning 29% of 50%…. That's a whopping 14.5% of the electorate. Sure, it's depressing that the richest country in the world still has that many

Aw, Kang missed it!

During the 2nd debate, Ted Cruz looked like he showed up hoping to win a date with Megyn Kelly, not knowing that they switch moderators between networks. He obviously would have rather been at home, masturbating to something unspeakably dark.

Scott Walker's charisma black hole sucked pretty hard too, but I guess couldn't maintain optimum suckage to stay in the race. Charisma-wise, he's like a soggy cross-eyed dumpster fire that someone put out with diarrhea.

Kang had no idea what 'Flying Blind' referred to, until you mentioned Tea Leoni. Yeah, it was about smoking-hot party girl Tea Leoni being married to a neurotic Jewish nerd guy. Kang remembers it was a pretty good sitcom, but then again Kang was 14 and it starred Tea freakin' Leoni, who is the Michael Jordan/Albert

He's self-saucing!

It's 'jehrkawff'.

Yeah, not an expert here, but Kang has lots of family from Worcester and surrounding area and thought DiCaprio did terrific work— never leaning too hard on the accent but also punching it in at the perfect times— His 'Think about that, hoht shoht!' to Farmiga was the most awesome line reading of his career.

Wow, that was concise and insightful. How would you like to not comment on NFL games for a major network?

How is it possible that David Carradine, as an attentive ex-cop who dotes on his deputy daughter, has never seen EITHER OF HER TWO GIANT CONSPIRACY BOARDS THAT PROMINENTLY FEATURE THE GIANT FACE OF BILLY BOB THORNTON?

Kang was merely explaining to you the nature of people's annoyance. He doesn't himself suffer that annoyance acutely. Given the vastness of spacetime, it's rather ridiculous to give a shit about pop culture as a whole, when you really think about it. But Kang is not made of wood.

Kang thinks a lot of the rage has to do with the fact that Cameron Esposito's exposure on this site seems wildly out of proportion with her achievements/fan base as a performer. And Kang personally has never read or seen one thing from her that's made him laugh, or stop to think.

Trust Kang, AOL Cross-Temporal Dynamics gets the last laugh.

Kang just recently watched LAST season's premiere episode, and it was god-awful. Just such a huge drop in quality… sounds like they have the magic back, but that Kang is also better off skipping last season entirely, if the opener was any indication.

Although Kang didn't dislike the V for Vendetta adaptation, it's hard to read your post without thinking about Paul Greengrass' canceled-at-the-last-minute adaptation of 'WATCHMEN', and how much more relevant and great it would have been compared to Zack Snyder's slavish-yet-clueless violence marathon.

'I used to finger-bang chicks like you in prison!'

Absurd. 3'O'Clock High is not teacher-centric. Although a fine film.

Kang knows. But it amuses him to think that Mark Harmon was in fact using highly sophisticated psy-ops through that entire movie.

Kang loved The Principal, as he loves all 'Tough Teacher' films. Particularly Lean on Me, Stand and Deliver, and… Summer School?