
Dear Jesus:

Kang agrees with you, Roche. John Baldessari and Ann Hamilton are both extremely well-compensated artists. It's Jay See who has no idea what he's talking about. And you are absolutely right that the USA needs a more comprehensive support system for artists outside of 'well, rich people like them so they're good'.

The real truth is that Lake Bell should probably be applauded for all the roles she HASN'T taken, being as incredibly bodacious as she obviously is. Please, everyone… adopt a Lake Bell today.

Agreed. Such a great, tense concept for a suspense scene which turns the usual stalking/chasing slasher dynamic completely inside-out in a brilliant way.

'Tequila is mah LAY-DEE!'

This is so true that as soon as Wes Lawson mentioned the 'lived-in home' problem in films, Kang flashed back to Speilberg's 80's movies. And Kang hasn't seen 'E.T.' in like, 25 years.

Agree. She's really more like a 10.

Willis does not often show much depth or range— He's a good actor by action movie standards. But he is legit good in 'Looper' and 'Twelve Monkeys'.

But is Cage saying that subtext shouldn't be part of criticism? I don't think he is. He seems to take specific issue with criticism that leans on gossip and the personal history of the performers. There is obviously good politically-charged criticism (Kael on 'Dirty Harry') and bad (Manohla Dargis in general).

Which is why I dearly hope he's on the committee that rejects Manohla Dargis from Film Writer Heaven, since she's never met a genre film that she couldn't completely smother with tired anti-corporate boilerplate.

See, here's the thing: When you write a dull, petty few paragraphs of self-satisfied snark about a flamboyant actor who has lodged himself in the public psyche for turning in memorable performances in a handful of classic films and an armada of terrible ones, you make Kang sympathize much more with the admittedly

This show should be called 'Trying Too Hard'.

Don't forget Hester Prynne and her adamantium throwing shield! Or Mary Poppins' gifts of dark sorcery!

Now that Kang thinks of it, she's got a strong jaw too…

Yeah that Geena Davis outfit— just BURNED into 11-year old Kang's—er, brain. That was probably the clincher during my early development when i realized 'nope, Kang definitely ain't gay!'

Kang is not a book reader, and will probably not read past this point in comments, but he has a very strong hunch that neither Stannis nor the Hound are dead. Simply because, unlike Catelyn and Robb, their deaths seem like a very strange narrative dead end that doesn't add any new dimension to the story.

Kang has gone back in time and created yet another parallel universe simply so he could upvote you twice*. Once for the salad joke, and once for your avatar.

Yes, a big problem of the movies is they try to shoe-horn Doom's origin in with the FF, which means getting rid of everything recognizable about Doc Doom. It would be much, much better if they would just stick to ONE origin per film. Actually, a superior approach would probably be the FF already existing at the

The problem is… one thing DUNE proved is that David Lynch is truly, upsettingly bad at directing action. Just terrible. Kang watched it recently and while the studio and the script can be blamed for a lot of what's wrong with the film, the awful action scenes are squarely on Lynch. He's a brilliant artist and a

Kang was really hoping Jon Favreau was going to show up and tease him about his height.