
He was trying to get off the show before it wasted any more of his talent?

Kang understands your point in theory, but it just didn't work onscreen. Vaughn's character seemed like the absolute poster child for the idea that it's actors who make characters, not writers.

I was really not looking for a reason to hate Vaughn, but his casting really hurt the show. He had moments of good acting (including the finale), but in general was so unconvincing that it really killed any momentum the story might have had. Gandolfini (or any actor of even remotely similar talent) could have played

Kang thought of that, and still says… no. It would have been fine if Vaughn's arc had ever transcended being a badly-acted retread of 'gangster going straight' bullshit, but it never did. So fuck that.

And don't get Kang started on Osip lamenting 'You were like a son to me'. Pizzolatto must have an app for groan-worthy cliches.

OK where to start?

Really, read Carl Wilson's book on Dion. It is truly great music criticism, in that he makes an effort to connect to fans, as well as put Dion in cultural context. I've never been a fan of Celine Dion, but it's perhaps my favorite book of art criticism ever. Sincerely.

Everyone who is a critic and/or a lover of schmaltz, and/or an artist of any stripe, needs to purchase and read Carl Wilson's 'Celine Dion's Lets Talk About Love: Journey to the End of Taste' from the 33 1/2 series. The greatest book. Just google it. And then buy it.

Says a person who has clearly never watched 'The Naked Kiss'.

The funniest part about that is, he says he wants to discuss 'scene blocking' with her while he's conspicuously badly placed in the environment.

Bradley Cooper shows up in a lot of the STELLA shorts that Wain and Showalter did after Wet Hot American Summer. He was in their 'troupe' for a while before his career exploded.

Exactly. You can have fun with the material AND care about the characters. Marvel isn't perfect (how they whiffed on Age of Ultron baffles Kang) but they utterly love their characters and know exactly what makes them appealing, and find filmmakers who get it. You can't make a 'semi-realistic' Fantastic Four. You

Ben! Oh, Ben. I'm sorry.

Repeating Kangs-self from above, it's amazing they can't even get Doom's look right. Jesus, the guy's whole backstory is only there to reverse-engineer/explain that cool fucking costume. He's evil medieval Iron Man-in-the-iron-mask! That's what everyone wants to see! Just give it to us!

What's incredible is, they can't even get the VISUALS right for Doom. Hey Hollywood, He's cooler looking that ANY OF YOUR IDEAS. He helped launch the entire Marvel line, for God's sake! ALL THE CHARACTER DESIGN HAS BEEN DONE FOR YOU. CONTROL-ALT-SAVE* THAT SHIT AND PRINT IT.

Give the rights back to Lucas!

And… Two combs!

Also, just the idea of Elizabeth Moss scolding a rock monster for fighting indoors fills Kang with the warm feels.

Eddie Pepitone as The Thing! Glorious

Thank you. Kang was earlier thinking of someone more cheesecake like Alice Eve, but Kang thinks Moss has the mixture of chops/smarts/sweetness/toughness that would really elevate that character into someone who you could believe was the matriarch of the word's greatest super-family.