
Kang has said it so many times, but here it is in a nutshell: Alan Moore wrote a cautionary humanist epic about the unsexy consequences of violence. Zack Snyder read a grimdark mystery about the sexiness of slow-motion ultraviolence.

Kang has said it before: How in the ROYAL FUCK do you manage to take all the fun out of a character like Ben Grimm? He's morose for good reason, but he's also a cigar-chomping rock monster who just wants to be loved. The FF are an optimistic property: They're born out of an act of hubris and yet still persist as

It takes a certain genius to even make that movie, let alone make it good. It's cold comfort, but Bobcat should be proud that he gave Robin Williams his last great role.

Sonia's worst crime is that she put Kang in the position of actually defending 'The Leftovers'.


'Out of the Past' and 'Rififi' are just incredible. Never seen 'Dead Reckoning'! Kang must list 10 because he hasn't the heart to edit it down to 5:

The Coffin Game
The Wrong Glove
Desperation at Dawn
'Never' She Said
The Ten-Ton Take
Colder than Diamonds
Stumpy's War
Ransomed in Fear


Kang took it easy on Vince Vaughn early in the season, but holy crap he is not even close to convincing as an actor. Every line is stilted, and every choice is wrong. Like when he gives the DEATH STARE to Osip, when he should be laughing it off like a party boy if he really wants his plan to work.

Alice Eve would be a PERFECT Sue Storm! The incredible classic FF movie in the alternate universe in which Namor the Sub-Mariner (Zachary Quinto) seduces Sue Storm (Alice Eve) while Reed (Guy Pearce) looks on— Kang has made it so. that lucky reality has you to thank, Weezer!

That would actually somewhat redeem this season, Kang thinks.

Man, Kang loves him some Guernville Murder Shack. BEST. RIBS.

There are so many things to nitpick that others have already pointed out— But one thing that no one has mentioned is the strange timing of Frank going to see Stan's widow. It's been over three months since Stan was killed, and he's just getting around to dropping off some condolence cash? This was obviously timed to

Kang expects a trigger warning before anyone mentions 'Grave of the Fireflies'.

Went to see rare screening of Timothy Carey's World's Greatest Sinner, and was not disappointed. One of the funniest, most brilliant provocations ever put to film, and yet only a few hundred people have ever seen it. Please Criterion, Please, Please, Save its ass!

You leave Chris Evans alone!

McAdams is beautiful, and a very gifted actress that Hollywood naturally has been wasting in sub-par romances. Her best roles have probably been the first season of Slings and Arrows and Mean Girls. She's also very good in True Detective, despite a rather one-note role. Her work on TD Season 2 made Kang think she'd

Kang would say, unequivocally, that the use of John Williams at the beginning of SUPERMAN RETURNS was the highlight of the movie.

Kang agrees that the Affleck costume is far superior to whatever the hell poor Charlie Cox is wearing.

Ha ha, can't fault your analysis but let's not pretend that Can and Brian Eno (Especially 'Taking Tiger Mountain') don't absolutely rock. So, Kang can't feel too bad about the retroactive appreciation. But also, Kang feels like The Strokes and The White Stripes, while they have merit, never really ever improved on