
Yeah, Cactus! And you call yourself a friendless celibate? You're a disgrace!

Agreed. It's actually baked into Semyon's character that he's a low-bred hood with pretensions towards respectability, so a smart actor would sell the strained metaphors and flowery vocabulary as signs of a guy trying too hard to sell himself as educated— instead of the absurdly serious Wal-Mart Mamet that Vaughn is

Kang doesn't understand the lowest grade of the season. This episode was perhaps the best all season. It had:

Kang is looking forward to the Batman Vs Superman-esque Season 3, which is entirely about why no one called for backup in Season 2.

Reminds me of the 'X-Files Movie', in which 'they' BLEW UP A FEDERAL BUILDING to… hide evidence.

Reminds me of the 'X-Files Movie', in which 'they' BLEW UP A FEDERAL BUILDING to… hide evidence.

That's a T.J. Hooker, and you goddamn know it.

Wow. Kang thought poeple were being a little too hard on Vince Vaughn in earlier episodes, but that opening scene between him and his wife was like a high school production of 'Glengarry Glen Ross'. Awful.

You did it. You beautiful bastards. YOU DID IT!

No, but it certainly looks like someone confused Keith David and David Keith.

Where's Elizabeth Banks and Rachel McAdams in Thank You, Lord?

You know that Rosario Dawson. A face much better suited for voice roles. A-herrr.

You got no idea, brother.

Yeah. Thought it was strange that AVClub had a pic of Morrison with hair, but appreciated seeing a grab from 'Animal Man', which was probably young Kangs primer on postmodernism. Genius? Moi?

Sam is apparently upvoting our criticisms, which is some Jedi-level passive-aggressiveness. Which is surprising; Kang didn't think 'Barsanti' was a WASP name.

Agreed. It's really annoying that all the Newswires basically ape O'Neal's snarky style but without the wit-slash-authentic bubbling rage that makes him so fun to read. They're derivative AND snotty, which is not a charming mixture.

Yeah, this snarky newswire is dumb for at least two reasons:

Kang will never understand readers who demand that different reviewers grade consistently just because they write for the same site. It's almost like art is… subjective.

Agreed, this episode felt like a big improvement (partially because episode 2 was lousy— Poor Abigail Spencer really picked the short straw as Ray's crappy dialogue factory of an ex-wife).

'We'll just shake down a couple of construction jobs, and bob's your uncle, we'll have 5 million dollars!'