
Anyone else having trouble with the story point in which demure, smart Mary Steenburgen is supposed to have raised the human cartoon known as Pornstache? Especially since we've never seen them interact to sell the relationship, it doesn't seem plausible. I know that good people can have bad kids, but c'mon, show.

The actress sold the reaction pretty clearly. She was crushed. The forces-that-be just (randomly) decided that she will never transcend her circumstances, that she will never be bigger or more important than her (randomly selected) station at a sewing machine. She doesn't know that the system is random, but WE DO,

Myles completely missed the point of that scene. LIke, it whiffed him so bad that the breeze from the point whizzing past his head spun him around 180 degrees in the wrong direction.

Kang certainly claims one in four people on the internet is a nazi. Example: Greedo shot first, huh? Enjoy your special edition, nazi!

Ha! Kang said something like this last month, while discussing True Detective with a friend: 'Whatever species Alexandra Daddario is from, if they decide they want a war, we're fucked.'

'Where some see an emotionally devastating masterpiece, a classic of its medium that blasts empathy out of even the most calcified exoskeleton of ironic detachment… I see only a bunch of goofy drawings, aping sentience out of some hilarious presumption towards human fellowship.'
—Werner Herzog

Yeah it's actually the beauty of the last flashback of Setsuko laughing and chasing the bugs that gets me oh fuck *collapses into quivering puddle of tears*

Absolutely true. What Scott McCloud would call the 'masking effect' of cartooning allows you to project every protective paternal/maternal instinct onto Setsuko, making her far more powerful a character than anything a child actor could pull off. This is easily one of the most important and powerful films ever made,

Kang called in sick the day after watching this movie. There are no words. Most devastating film he's ever seen, and there's no close second. *runs away weeping*

Tequila is my LAY-DEE!

'OK the Lord Commander is Dead. Now who wants to nominate themselves for Lord Commander?

Was Kang the only one who laughed really hard when Quyburn introduced—ahem—'The New Kingsguard who is Totally NOT a Horrifying Frankenstein So Everyone Just Stay Calm'?

JLD's reaction to being shocked by Mike is why you pay Julia the big bucks. She is a national treasure.

Yes, this was Kang's favorite movie when he was 19. There is no way (these penniless dudes live in a one family house with a lawn, hello) that this took place in Brooklyn. Seems like it's obviously in Jersey (hence the accent on Cara Buono's character). Several of the students obviously hail from the NYC area,

Kang always thought Rachel McAdams and Elizabeth Banks were on the cusp of becoming the Singularity.

Sadly—take it from a seasoned time-traveler—it's hard to find a year when it's NOT relevant.

Why didn't Kang think of that? It's so simple!

Shut up, mortal!

Understood. Not how I meant it but get how it could be interpreted as pejorative. Kang will edit his post.

Sure, he's a child-diddler and a killer, but you got to hand it to Meryn Trant: Guy gives great bitchface.