
I'm not saying it's the autism that makes him rapey

Yes. We could also assume that Hodor is having long discussions about grammar and proper usage with Stannis when they're offscreen, because characterization and interpretation don't mean squat unless we are explicitly told what is and isn't happening, a la 'Trapped in the Closet.' You are apparently both new to the

Oh no. Kang was sure you were joking before. You're not joking? Please stop kidding around and tell Kang you're joking. Because, eww

No. Daavos was worried, but as much for his own life as Shireen's. There's no way he would have allowed that sacrifice to happen, which is why he was sent away. This episode was a bummer, for a lot of reasons, but it also probably marks the end of Seaworth's loyalty to Stannis. Which is good.

Yeah. Kang means, this was a horrible bummer of an episode and then DRAGONS STARTED SHOWING MOTHER FUCKERS WHAT'S WHAT. Kang could not stop screaming at his view-screen. It was awesome.

Kang got so excited about the FUCK YEAH of the dragon attack, that he had to post on the 'Expert' thread. Now Kang is here for the OH NO of the lil' Stannis Daughter murder. GoT really is a bitch-goddess who gives with one hand and takes with the other. (shout out to KITH fans!)

Oh Fuck… I really shouldn't play in the 'Experts' thread.

I'm a newbie, but that seems like an improvement on the books. TV Stannis' obvious emotional ties to his daughter only made this episode more devastating.

Well, OK now you apparently know more about the agricultural realities of Mereen than I do. Bully for you.

Yes. He's just an animal, whereas they are fully-sentient assholes who are attempting to preserve a slavery-centered economy. So, absolutely, YES.

well, yes. But killing your adorable disfigured DAUGHTER who has just taught your awesome best friend how to read???? That shit is securely locked in the UNFORGIVEABLE file.

OK OK You guys… I'm a Newbie but I have to say— It's probably because it was contrasted with a child's murder, but HOLY SHIT when Drogon started torching slavers, I just could not stop cheering. I rewinded and rewinded and every time, I was screaming FUCK YES KILL THEM ALL. I am super sad about Stannis turning to

Nothing to wrap up? So you aren't emotionally invested in watching the unibrowed assistant to the King of Laketown bumble around interminably while waiting for someone—anyone—to please stab Richard Armitage's insufferable Dwarf King in the face? P.S., there's a CGI Billy Connally! I think CGI Billy Connally is the

Toned DOWN? There are fewer serial-killers-of-the-week, but the serial killings themselves just get increasingly ridiculous. And Kang is a fan.

Hobbit part 1 has some awful and some redeeming; Part 2 is a mostly entertaining improvement; but wait until you get to Part 3. 'Battle of Five Armies' is such a lazy, terrible video-game of a movie, it's almost hateful. Peter Jackson definitely is telegraphing his retirement.

Fair enough. Gillian Anderson has aged like a hot woman who ages into an even hotter woman. A piping hot hot woman.

One of the great things about this show is its ability to feature a serial-killer vs. serial-killer judo fight, and it comes off as comic-book AWESOME instead of silly. But if realism is your bag, then 'Hannibal' isn't your show. The super powered serial killers are, of course, ludicrous. I'm still laughing over

Gillian Anderson has aged like wine. Piping hot wine.

1. No you're not
2. It does not follow that if you are capable and willing to do something, then it should have already occurred. Unless you happen to be a brilliant blue-faced time traveler who shall go unnamed.

Yes, because in the alternate future in which the U.S. sits by and lets Israel simply bomb Iran, it works out so much better.*